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Looks like a wellhung turd
2023-06-22 at 6:15 AM UTC
2023-06-22 at 6:38 AM UTCYeah I was thhinkning more along the lines of a nuclear sub lol or something that wouldn't die to small arms fire
I find the timing of all this interesting. I need to stop posting my ideas public
Originally posted by scuffed jim carrey The oceans of the world. FUCK SPACE, the ocean man it's like space but with water, and the opposite of a vacuum.
Plus if the economy gets better I think there is a lot of transferability in technology and skill (they do EVA space training underwater)
WHO WANTS TO JOIN ME ON MY NEW QUEST OF CONQUERING THE OCEANS? Have fun blowing up in a rockets or comet storm, i'm gonna get eaten by a promethean kraken from the bottom of Marinaras trench. I'm moving to PORTUGAL
Originally posted by Ecto the plasm Anyone wanna illegally drill the Tiber oil fields with me?
2023-06-22 at 6:53 AM UTCAll honesty we should pray they get out alive
That would be one scarey way to die. I think a bottle of Xanax for everyone should have been onboard to save the air supply onboard. -
2023-06-22 at 6:59 AM UTCFUck them for stealing my idea I got enough people to pray for, im sure they got families. Can we be pirates yet?????
2023-06-22 at 7:06 AM UTCIt's kind of sad. Real stupid too
The billionaire could of just bought one from the navy and piloted the fucking thing down there -
2023-06-22 at 4:16 PM UTC