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Not waiting for me? No problem.

  1. #1
    Bradley Dogsbane
    I'll go on long ass walks to places but if I'm like "hey wait a second, I gotta piss" or the person walks faster than I want to.

    I let them get like a block ahead, turn around and go home.

    My favorite part is where I'm the one with the money,food card, debit card, alcohol, backpack

    and I tell them "I said wait and when I looked up you weren't there. Where did you go?"

    What they finna say? I didn't wanna wait for you.

    K. So I figure you probably went home right

    They yell "BRADLEY, NO! BRADLEY" and struggle to run up to me, I always powerwalk as fast as I can, requiring most people to jog after me, when they finally get up to me I say "Oh wow, where were you?"

    and that whole distance (2-3 blocks they just sprinted back) we now walk.

    All could've been avoided by waiting for a minute when I said "Wait for a minute" and wouldn't have required, screaming, waving, running as fast as you can, screaming more, and now walking back.

    But if I can't get respect and am carrying the money, I like to take the first corner and jog a little myself so they standing there, 1 mile to go to the destination, 1 mile walk home and can't find me, cuz when I said wait they walked on and never looked back.

    So they gotta walk back and see me sitting there/outside/not answer the door and they're like fuck man, we not getting drugs, alcohol, food, etc cuz they can't do it without me and couldn't wait a minute lol
  2. #2
    Bradley Dogsbane
    I tell them "No i Don't want it anymore, walking a mile, just to walk back after you ditched me, kinda killed the fun for me, I don't wanna walk back, tell them I'll pick it up in the morning."

    'what time in the morning?' (He wants free drugs very badly and desperately)

    "Bro I'm going to sleep, have a good night, I'll let you know when I have some for sale." (No longer free for my 'friend.')

    Saddest face in the world immediately, door closes and locks. LOL. Knocks ten minutes later, my boy says he's pacing outside, I said bro I AINT GOT SHIT FOR YOU

    'yeah let's go walk over to your boy.'

    "Night bud." *Window slides closed as loud as I can make it*
  3. #3
    GHOSTFACE Yung Blood
    I remember this niggerdry.

    What are you trying to pick up?
  4. #4
    Just buy a car brah.
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