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Is anyone here trying not to drink?

  1. #21
    3 years opiate free but im drinking instead. Idk i never feel good anymore. Alcohol makes me arthritis n joint painworse the next day but until then it makes work much more bearable. Ive been drinking whiskey in the car during my breaks and the day goes by a lot faster. Im supposed to be doing the mediterramean diet n stopping deinking bc my ACUPUNCTURIST says im a fire sign so obv i need to cool off that heat to unlock my qi.

    Idk bout that mumbo jumbo but i guess what im saying is i enjoy drinking and i wish it wasnt terrible for you, but it does provide hours of sitting around listening to sad songs and writing stuff and staring out the window thinking about all my terrible life choices
  2. #22
    Haxxor Space Nigga
    Honestly I used to enjoy tying one on. Now I can take it or leave it.
    Hangovers aren’t really worth it.
  3. #23
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I do not take drugs because I want to have fun. I am in active economic and cultural warfare against the secular world that seeks to destroy my way of life because of the power these drugs can give a person, a competitive survival edge when not used in a recreational abuse setting and they believe nobody should research them

    Koivunen was a Finnish soldier, assigned to a ski patrol on 20 April 1944, along with several other Finnish soldiers. Three days into their mission, on 18 March, the group was attacked and surrounded by Soviet forces, from whom they were able to escape. Koivunen became fatigued after skiing for a long distance, but could not stop. He was carrying his patrol's entire supply of army-issued Pervitin, or methamphetamine, a stimulant used to remain awake while on duty.He consumed the entire supply of Pervitin, and had a short burst of energy, but soon entered a state of delirium, and eventually lost consciousness. Koivunen later recalled waking up the following morning, separated from his patrol, and having no supplies. In the following days, he escaped Soviet forces once again, was injured by a land mine, and stayed in a ditch for a week, waiting for help. Having skied more than 400 km (248.5 mi) he was found and admitted to a nearby hospital, where his heart rate was measured at 200 beats per minute, and he weighed only 43 kg (94.8 lbs). In the week that Koivunen was gone, he subsisted only on pine buds and a single Siberian jay that he caught, and ate raw. He was found, and survived, until he died in 1989 at the age of 71.
  4. #24
    Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I do not take drugs because I want to have fun. I am in active economic and cultural warfare against the secular world that seeks to destroy my way of life because of the power these drugs can give a person, a competitive survival edge when not used in a recreational abuse setting and they believe nobody should research them

    Power 😆🤣🤣

    You take drugs because you’re an addict, weak frothy cuck addict

  5. #25
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    I feel i wood die if I stopped drinking,, FUCK I just made my 5th coffee of the day
  6. #26
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    I have almost quit drinking soda tho
  7. #27
    Haxxor Space Nigga
    I rarely drink soda….but I do love my coffee!
  8. #28
    Bradley Florida Man
    i only drink beer and water, sometimes coffee and milk.
  9. #29
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Haxxor Power 😆🤣🤣

    You take drugs because you’re an addict, weak frothy cuck addict

    I haven't taken drugs today because all the shit I posted for the past hours kept distracting me from doing them. That does not sound like addiction to me, I have to actively try to abuse drugs and make a habit out of it and be like "i'm going to randomly abuse amphetamines again even though I am sober and have no cravings really to do them"

    I don't even have weed right now, im chill with the nicotine. Once you hit a skitzao rabbit hole like what i'm on even once you sober up or get high it makes no difference. We are beyond your simplistic society non science based understanding of psychoactive substances. There are actually very few drug addicts here. Roshambo, Bradley and probably that RIPTOTSE guy are the only ones who seem addicted to anything to me as they are unable to live in harmony with substances because they are still holding onto secular society

    I remember in another thread you and jigaboo said I was wrong because drinking isn't just "having the strength to quit" that's the society cope to guilt you into thinking you are wrong or bad for taking anything mind altering, which has no basis in logic based reality at all and is a completely dogmatic way of thinking (also claims to be both medical, scientific and morally superior over all other ideas/thought)

    facts and reality are irrelevant to the ideas forced into public thought by way of law. IT used to be seen as illegal to even discuss drugs on the internet at all and was limited to the very darkest corners of usenet full of skitzos and real life criminals

    Originally posted by Bombay Trap Star I actually made these accounts after being clean from drugs, they sat unused for years (where I was sober) but NOW i'm a drug addict that's addicted to making alts because I "relapsed" (a false fake term of society brainwash) and have brain damage from these drugs which cause me to make "dozens of alts"… that I already made years ago… after doing drugs.. and then not doing them for years…

    Was I on or off drugs when I made the accounts?? What about the years they sat dormant?

    You can't even frame simple, easy to follow basic concepts and instead merge it all into some fantastical, false view of reality because it's based on swallowing the "truth" from society, media and government.

    This is just like the 'am I "off" or "on" drugs' problem which nobody is able to provide a simple answer to , because they can't. There is no answer because it questions the assumption of society that it understands and is the arbiter of truth and knowledge, which become more true and accurate only if the government and media and church says it is.

    At least that's easy to tell yourself when you don't understand true reality

    I think NA/AA has some good ideas but is somewhat misguided by assuming clean living society is the ultimate example that should be followed. What about a punk rock badass biker with spike hair that injected everything and is now trying to get clean but hates society and organized religions?? so they are just fucked or still addicted to the non society lifestyle alternatives that drugs can offer people with no hope

  10. #30
    trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    To anyone not drinking that wants to, congratulations, I know that shits not easy

    I used to drink all day everyday for about 15 years but a few years ago once I got good and hooked on heroin and fentanyl and started fuckin with needles alcohol just lost it's fun feeling. I still rarely drink it's been over a year and even then it was maybe 2 tallcans so not much. Haven't done fent or H in about 3 years either. I am a daily Crouton user though, I gotta have something ya know....
  11. #31
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

    this is beyond brain fry I might be permafucked now *salutes middle finger*
    I need to stop drinking coffee fuck once I hit that shit in this state of mind it almost seems liek a bad idea like something is telling me not to but its too late to turn back now

    the world has nothing left for me

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #32
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I hit that shit and the voices stopped

    whoda thunk
  13. #33
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    GABA therapy seems like a route I know my dad only drinks because he gets the shakes without it but I mean when you chug beer every morning for 10+ years (mr early morning bradley take note you remind me of hm a bit lol)

    its not a good path it does not look fun I never understood wanting to drink when you wake up like fuck I can't start until noon. I gotta smoke weed and chill but sometimes I wake up and he's alrady had 2 beers
  14. #34
    Yeah man I know what you mean, drinking is more of a later in the day thing for me, fundamentals speaking.

    I only drink after waking up when I want to be naughty / self-sabotage . Or if I'm out of WATTTTTERRRR, and only have beer. But then I just get tired and malnourished and go to bed after a few hours so like what's the points. Or if the homo wants to daydrink because I'm not a party pooper

    Also for me personally HAIR FROM THE DAWG isn't a hangover cure, it will just make me more sicker so honestly I don't buy into that theory
  15. #35
    I always tell people drinking is like playing a MMORPG so be careful what skills you put expy into because your guy can end up unbalanced and a lot of people say that's really good advice and they know what I mean, so that's one way that I give back to the community

    Like who wants be be a level 90 paladin and only have 7 hit strength because they say around burping and farting chugging beer and got skinnyfat. This shit is for real
  16. #36
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I knew this girl that would wake up and immediately start sucking back a bottle of vodka and then be too fucked up to do things she needed to do lol like call places and then she would just get more fucked up and man oh man I COULD NOT KEEP UP like damn I haven't even had coffee yet and you're lit
  17. #37
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I knew this girl that would wake up and immediately start sucking back a bottle of vodka and then be too fucked up to do things she needed to do lol like call places and then she would just get more fucked up and man oh man I COULD NOT KEEP UP like damn I haven't even had coffee yet and you're lit

    Reminds me of the ornery native chicken who liked to throw hands

    Yeah man pretty much, just like they say in the music until I drink a coffee, my mood is irreversible

    Personally I've been going to starcucks and I learned how to order drinks the right way there which gets me a lot of street credit with the barristers. There's something so macho and empowering about starting my day with a lattay
  18. #38
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I'm still finishing my pot from this morning fuuuckckckck probably cuz of the tweak but I wasn't doing tweak all day , drinking coffee now im doing both

    doing tweak in the morning isn't ideal either unless you are really twisted imho it just feeels weird
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