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Do you think this is true

  1. #21
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    also they never willa dmit it or attraction to you when you ask when they keep checking you out or smile at you or anything theyll never admit to it. this is why i do so bad here i dont understand their culture and how to tlak to them or meet then. even star trek had a hard time. any westerner would unless its like a hooker or from the get go arranged marriage/relationship for money.
  2. #22
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    i also may be deluded sometimes like sometimes i may think she is checking me out and she may not but just looks back or responds to me checking her out but some times i know for sure or at the least why was that chick on the train starring like that for no reason like without fear of me being older nothing sure she was with a gorup of friends but why stare and for so long?
  3. #23
    just ask them if they like to be tickled in their special places.
  4. #24
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    poland is such a weird fuck place you can get in trouble sometimes just for even looking at young girls. but its acceptable for 13 yr olds to smoke here. like no one says anything to them or cares if they do but for looking at them i was one time almost apprehended it seems or reproached thats the word for it reproached. there is this pool table bar here in town and i grabbed a beer and was just sitting there watching a game of pool near by and just chilling and notices this hot lolita who looked about 13 or so playing. the thing was she kept eyeing me she was playing with another chick but our eyes kept meeting and i even looked away first so it wasnt just a glance like we looked at each other multiple times wiht a strong holding our eyes look of what seemed to me attraction. and get this guys how fucking weird polish society is compred especially it seems how russia used to be in the 90s. get this guys. how different poland is depsite the fact its totally acceptble for kids to smoke here. i sat away as she was with a group anyway and iw asnt even playing pool and all this was was puppy love or puppy eye attraciton no big deal. i didnt want to approach or nothing her. later i looked just a couple times back and noticed her friends her male friends either got jelous or noticed what was happening and saw me or looked at me again like they were tlaking about me oh yea i forgot i saw this earlier like they noticed me and this girl were doing this to each other and me noticing this was the main reaosn i choose to sit somewhere else. all of a sudden after while some guy taps me on the shoulder and apparently one of those boys or someone complained i was looking at some young girl or chekcing her out. i just denied it and he said oh maybe they are exagerating or who knows strange world though now or that was his response. he literally in front of other people adults as i sat neart an adult game of pool now called me basically a pedo without saying it. i felt so fucking embarassed. how the fuck was i blamed when i even looked away first for some chick who was chekcing me out and atracted ot me just because i showed my attraciton back and it was both ways?
  5. #25
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    and why would he say its a strange world now reading whart you guys read or knowing what we know about how russia used to be in the 90s?
  6. #26
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    was he just an ignorant poland who never been to russia or something or was too young to remember the 90s even in poland or wat u guys fink?
  7. #27
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    do you guys think if some young girls do really exist this age who enjoy the attention and even sex with older men and it has no negative or psychological aspects or hurts them in any way and they want it or look for it would you still be against it or from it happening if the girl actually wants it?
  8. #28
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat you can recognize young girls who have sex with adult men because they smile differently?

    is rapidly going to escalate to 'I knew she wanted me to chain her up in my parents' basement and grind my asshole in her face by the way I saw her smile looking in her window with my telescope'
  9. #29
    its a fact that some little girls go thru a phase during their pubescence where they begin to crave attentions form men.

    they'll start dressing elaborately, not necessarily in a sexual or provocative way but always in a way that will draw attention of men around them to their developing bodies.

    if you have been observing little girls you'd notice.
  10. #30
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    but is that all they want is attention or looks form men or do they actually enjoy or desired sexual relations or liasons in apartment buildings or abandoned warehouses?
  11. #31
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat but is that all they want is attention or looks form men or do they actually enjoy or desired sexual relations or liasons in apartment buildings or abandoned warehouses?

    hilariously sinister
  12. #32
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    aldra i asked you a question why dont you answer?
  13. #33
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    because I don't click your links and absolutely don't watch your videos

    also because you fantasising about having access to a collapsed society so you can easily take advantage of desperate kids is pretty disgusting and I have no interest in participating
  14. #34
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    aldra I never said that at all. I felt bad after watching the video but not right away the next day while on drugs I already wrote this. so how is that me fantasizing about wanting to be a part of such a society? Also in Poland I already said its normal to see kids smoking so there is a slight albeit small similarity. and no one feels bad about it.
  15. #35
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    lets discuss this why polish society is so against sexual stuff with teens even or kids but is so empathetic toward kids smoking?
  16. #36
    Originally posted by Wariat but is that all they want is attention or looks form men or do they actually enjoy or desired sexual relations or liasons in apartment buildings or abandoned warehouses?

    some do and some dont.

    those who do, when given an opportunity to be tickled, would have a very specific place that wanted to be tickled and in a very, very speciric way.

    if they are comfortable with you, they will tell you.

    some would even command you.
  17. #37
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    also I never fantasized about taking advantage I want to find actual sluts alder or actual teens or young people who have daddy issues. dont you get this from spending your time with me by now? I dont want to fuck some kid or some shit who is desperate or wants money I want the weird perverts or daddy issues or one in a million girls into that shit.
  18. #38
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny some do and some dont.

    those who do, when given an opportunity to be tickled, would have a very specific place that wanted to be tickled and in a very, very speciric way.

    if they are comfortable with you, they will tell you.

    some would even command you.

    well the girl in my avatar was this one she tried to command me to whip my dick out on snapchat. like literally we were so fucking close and I backed out. she also started getting rude and commanding me to home get snapchat video leave a bar ins Warsaw I was at and talked to me like she owned me. like she owned me alder.
  19. #39
    Originally posted by aldra take advantage of desperate kids is pretty disgusting

    is this how you feel naturally of is it because you have been conditioned to feel thus.
  20. #40
    Originally posted by Wariat well the girl in my avatar was this one she tried to command me to whip my dick out on snapchat. like literally we were so fucking close and I backed out. she also started getting rude and commanding me to home get snapchat video leave a bar ins Warsaw I was at and talked to me like she owned me. like she owned me alder.

    shes not of the age i was talking about.

    at her age her innocence was long gone.
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