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  1. blob6106 Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka It seems wrong to think of people like that but I probably could hypnotise myself

    You're going to get aids and die
  2. blob6106 Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Rotten Rodney i prefer steel cut myself

    we oat here

    He's a quacker?
  3. Originally posted by Rotten Rodney i prefer steel cut myself

    we oat here

    Comes with a 12-year-old call whistle.
  4. Kafka sweaty
  5. Kafka sweaty
    It says mutations in the gene that cause a higher pitched voice are also responsible for creating ion channels that help collagen and elastins do their job. I think this could be why so many autists with a high-pitched voice look younger and this is the first time I have felt grateful for my voice. I always hated it.
  6. Originally posted by Kafka It says mutations in the gene that cause a higher pitched voice are also responsible for creating ion channels that help collagen and elastins do their job. I think this could be why so many autists with a high-pitched voice look younger and this is the first time I have felt grateful for my voice. I always hated it.

    Do you believe men should compete in women's sports?
  7. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Do you believe men should compete in women's sports?

  8. Originally posted by Kafka Random

    Since you obviously dislike men, I was just curious.
  9. cryptographiccontrarian African Astronaut
  10. Kafka sweaty
    Memories coming back of not letting a girl leave my room, she was too small to reach the door handle and I tried to scare her wearing a mask. I remember trapping a cat in a dolls house as well. I think most children are like that though.
  11. kyli0x Yung Blood
  12. kyli0x Yung Blood
  13. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by kyli0x you keep midgets in your room? ngl thats what i got out of this story

    No, I was a child and she was two years younger than me. I think it's normal though, I remember being locked in a wardrobe.
  14. kyli0x Yung Blood
  15. 34nfi4w8g3wnfge4j93qrj309jg Houston [my metonymically tentacled thales]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Do you believe men should compete in women's sports?

    I thought all genders were equal but why do we have different sports then

    in Asia where gender roles are different, women and even sometimes children in places like north korea do hard labor just as same as the men and they don't bitch and moan like western women about OMG WE MUST HAVE WOMENS SPORTS BECAUSE WE ARE WEAKER AND NOT EQUAL< ITS NOT FAIR

    you know whats not fair? An 8 year old girl working 12 hour shifts moving heavy boulders. Life isn't fair, suck it up and don't be a snowflake because you lost to a tranny FAIR AND SQUARE

    can't beat a man or a tranny? Then you simple are not the best in the sport. Lets see rhonda rousey against anderson silva
    I'm sure she could kick my ass and make me her little pee pee piss pants baby but what about an actual trained fighter, same weight class
    and chew on this: imagine the casino odds for bet making lmrao

  16. Kafka sweaty
    There was this pic of my cat coming out of the washing machine and my dad was questioning me but I was really surprised and dunno who took the pic or put it in there. I do remember straddling my cat in a sexual way though, that's all.
  17. kyli0x Yung Blood
  18. Kafka sweaty
    Probably could find out who did it from the level the photo was taken at, if a child took it or not
  19. 34nfi4w8g3wnfge4j93qrj309jg Houston [my metonymically tentacled thales]
    Originally posted by Kafka There was this pic of my cat coming out of the washing machine and my dad was questioning me but I was really surprised and dunno who took the pic or put it in there. I do remember straddling my cat in a sexual way though, that's all.

    Lol malice should have stayed alive a few more years

    I think if sploo had AI he would be filed with vigor of hope again like I was at the possibilities of one man. I think most of the people here that died was because they had nothing to live for, they couldn't find love, wealth or success doing anything, nothing satisfied them, it was just a bleak existence of trying to learn to enjoy what they could

    but I think that's part of the society brainwash and if you can find anything then good for you, i'm sure you are a literal demigod of perfection that loves christ, country and neighbor and is a scholar and gentleman
    I just think that if you can't find anything in this world you want, then find something you do want that you can get or make

    even if that thing is holding down the family cat or some woman in a park, at you will die doing what you love. Just look at wariat, you could ludovoco him at this point and I don't think it would help, the dude just wants to make an ass of himself and sperg out at teens , not actually fuck them, and that's perfectly okay.
    He's not talking about killing himself because he can't get that sweet sweet ponanny, he wakes up every day a bunch of hate filled meassages and getting blocked by every woman he meets the night before

    and then he goes out and does it again
    gotta admire the hussle at least, I think it's the best way to live. It might not be the healthiest or most morally right way, but if you want to argue the virtue of suicide be my guest, I think death should have a reason, you should not die needlessly, everyone deserves a warriors death or the chance for once if they so choose
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