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Dispensaries charge way too much for buds, but provide good deals on shake...

  1. #1
    WellHung Black Hole
    Folks, 25-30% THC content means ur still getting baked.
  2. #2
    thc content is fucking meaningless . Bro I get AAAA moonrocks from cali BC hydro amsterdam nugs 69.420% THC from this website spectral sent me that sells kilograms for like $10

    and honestly that stuff basically hits the same as the 20-30 y/o sluts from the weed store, plus the cute girl there always blushes when I go in with wide pupils and what not so yeah, I loves me some flirting with weed store cashiers


    telll me about your local weed store cuties, pops
  3. #3
    WellHung Black Hole
    Scron prefers sativas. He does not prefer indicas.
  4. #4
    Originally posted by WellHung Scron prefers sativas. He does not prefer indicas.

    i don't give a shit it's all the same to me. I think sative makes me more horny deranged tho
  5. #5
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Rotten Rodney i don't give a shit it's all the same to me. I think sative makes me more horny deranged tho

    Indica makes me relaxed horny which is the best and only kind of horny. Also a little bit deranged I guess. Sativas just make me a nervous wreck. I think. I honestly... like.... kinda hate weed? But it's also kinda fun.
  6. #6
    Originally posted by Rotten Rodney i don't give a shit it's all the same to me. I think sative makes me more horny deranged tho

    Originally posted by Meikai Indica makes me relaxed horny which is the best and only kind of horny. Also a little bit deranged I guess. Sativas just make me a nervous wreck. I think. I honestly… like…. kinda hate weed? But it's also kinda fun.

    Let me clarify the butter here, I am able to be more deranged because sativa doesn't knock me tf out and make me sleepy tired
    and I rarely check weather or not what i'm buying is either or, so it's like a mystery every time I buy a bag

    kinda like meth impurities

    I will have to resort to some rather technical, scientific notation to
    illustrate my point here... you can skip over this stuff if it's too
    complicated, but you SHOULD try to follow me on this if possible, fig 2
    represents what you are attempting to achieve:

    Acid + l-ephedrine + P + sautee 2hrs = pure d-methamphetamine
    \o / ~-~~ \ \ `-''
    \o/ O\O : / / o O\O
    | ~ . \ \ ~
    h===i Q . \o / U
    L _|_ _._ \o/ _|_ fig.2
    \ / | \ |\ //|/\
    \/ | \ d===\/ \|\ \
    | \ /|/ \
    | \ | \
    / \ E /p\ m
    / \ / . \
    / \ / : \
    | \ | . \
    | \ | \
    _| \_ _| _._ \_

    but before we start pouring martinis, snarfling rails and pissing on
    ourselves, perhaps we should scrutinize our product a little more carefully
    with the aid of POPeye's Magical Microscope...

    and while we're at it, maybe review our synthesis to see if we've
    overlooked any details.

    First of all, due to forces yet unexplained, we know that the
    electromagnetic field generated by the high resistance electric heating
    coil on the stove can create havoc if one is trying to rearrange those
    electrically charged bonding doohickey's nearby, like in a chemical
    reaction. So it's a good bet we've got some mutated molecules somewhere....
    let's take a look (fig.3)

    yup, just as I thought, looky here:

    ( _ )
    U fig. 3
    / \|\ \
    \ /|/ \
    \,| \
    <b\ Mn
    / \
    / \
    | \
    | \
    _| \_

    obviously some sort of aphrodesiac, some of these side rxns can work in our
    favor, this will come in handy, eh?

    HEY What the fuck is thi......... Who are all THESE GUYS in fig.4 ?

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\\\\o /
    /////////////////////////////|||\\\/===L fig.4

    Looks like the stereo iced over...
    ... these boys have the majority, I'd say
    The truth comes OUT. Too lazy to drive out to the truck stop, eh? You
    bought pseudoephedrine from Wal-Mart, dincha? What's wrong, scared of a
    little guaifamacallit?? Well, I guess old Harry forgot to mention this
    reaction yields L-meth from p-fed. Hell,it's the cold season, we'll save a
    bundle on Vick's Inhalers. Expensive way to produce an otc decongestant
    from an otc decongestant, though.

    Let's keep goin' maybe we'll find some crank if we look hard enough. Whoa,
    check THIS out!

    Some MESCALINE in fig.5 !!!

    _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_`_-_-_~\\~'//~~ ` > - . - ..'_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
    - - - - - - - - - -`- '-_-.o0/0OOooo... . ` .'.~ _- - - - - - - - -
    - - - - - - - - - - -\- - -./_. - . > - . - ..- - - - - - - - - -
    - - - - - - - - - - -/- - - .zZ \ ' . ``.~ _ .-.- - - - - - - -
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _`\ /_/ |/\ \ ` .'.~ _. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    \ \\/ \|\ \ \ - . - ..- -
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /|\ \ \ ` /fig.5\_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    > \ \ \/|\ / \ -
    / // \ M -
    - - - - - - - - - - - -/- - -//- - \\ - `.>- - - - - - - - - - -
    / / \ /
    \ \ \ \ \ _ `
    \ \ \ \
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/-_-_/_ .. |_-_-_-_\ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    HEY, it could happen!!
    Time to head for the HobbyShop, and spring for the hi-dollar stuff... Had
    our eyes on the 3" poly fractionating column in the Jr ChemBoy Set. I read
    on USENET that if you attached some hose to a sidepipe and sucked on it,
    you can totally control the boiling points. Hell, if we run this rxn every
    weekend, we can suck enough of them out for a hit...

    in about 10 years

    You always want to pour the HI (or any reactive drink) into your rxn vessel
    sloooowly, why? Cuz if you pour too hard, or from too high, or from the
    bottom of the liquid first, you always get a bunch of these smushed things:
    see fig.6

    O~O / (some say these are from excessive
    fig.6 \o / /_ \ use of magnetic stirs, that's ob-
    \o/\|Q_\_ |/ M viously preposterous!)
    d=== _||/// \\|\_

    these are inert compounds. We call them inert because they're resultant
    from sudden stops at high speeds, the effect of inertia. aka `the
    J.Dean-Picasso effect'

    As we all know, rxns should always be done in dark, quiet, preferably cop
    free places, otherwise you will undoubtedly produce a variety of the
    following analog.

    > O/ O <
    \o / Q
    \o/ _|_
    | \ / | \
    f=== \/ | \ fig.7
    | \
    | \
    / \ B
    / \
    / \
    | \
    | \
    _| \_

    fig.7 You don't need POPeye's Magical Microscope Guide to recognize this
    guy. This is a location specific active compound with a duration of a few
    milleseconds. This goes straight to the buss on the optic nerve circuits
    and fires everything at once. You cook enough of these pesky creatures
    into the mix and you'll swear some CIA guy is following you around with a
    flash camera.

    Further investigation has revealed that the HI acid has been imported from
    the Argentinian Chemical Industry. This can cause some real problems. If
    the HI has not been stored ABOVE the equator for at least a year, many of
    the electrons are still orbiting the neutrons in the opposite direction
    causing utter polar chaos when introduced to Northern Hemispheric reagents
    and compounds. Let's continue our search, with this in mind, to see what
    kind of empirical evidence we can mangle to support this data, in a most
    scientific way, of course. fig.8 a&b

    |~ fig.8 a This molecule is out of phase, or in 'lateral
    | aspect'. This is the quadriatic isomer and is extreme-
    | ly rare in the stick diagram enviornment. It's prescence,
    | generally an indication of polar chaos, provides con-
    dl.5 vincing evidence for whatever it was I was just talking
    | about.

    I was sure that if we persevered, we'd uncover some of these.

    o O\O
    \o / U
    \o/ _|_ fig.8 b
    |\ //|/\
    d===\/ \|\ \ d-methamphetamine
    /|/ \
    | \
    /p\ m
    / . \
    / : \
    | . \
    | \
    _| _._ \_

    Imagine that! I knew there'd be some of them floatin' around in there,
    POPeye's an optimist! Of course, we knew all along that those
    counterclockwise HI electrons would knock SOME of those l-Meths halfway
    around and foil the wretched Pseudoephedrine demon. Maybe we'll be closin'
    the Mad Dog Saloon tonight, after all. Just like I said !

    or NOT!!!!!

    Remember when we spoke about imposters and blockers in our review of the
    CNS ? Take a real close look at fig.9

    o O\O
    \o / U
    \o/ _|_ fig.9
    |\ //|/\
    d===\/ \|\ \ ??
    /|/ \
    | \
    / \ m
    / . \
    / : \
    | . \
    | \
    _| _._ \_

    Line two ain't quite right, and something else is missing, too. But it
    just might be right enough to fit the slot where our MethBuddy is trying to
    expedite our synaptic lifestyle. He's a real first runner-up, this guy,
    and an ace candidate for breaking off the key in the lock... A mutant like
    this, in sufficient quantity could block some or all of the effects of
    Methamphetamine. A fucking speed-blocker, the antidote, a goddamn CURE for
    the Tweak! Just what we need.

    This collection we shall refer to as GodKnowsWhat # 30,867 v1.1. Oh,
    well.... shoot it up and hope for the best.... that's what I always say.

    not an sg thread get fucked
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