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For humans, a massive advantage associated with living in cold-weather climates( as compared to warm), is an extremely reduced susceptibility to illness/injury caused by insects or microorganisms...

  1. #1
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Folks, regarding this belief/ mentality, i doubt there will be a schism.
  2. #2
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
  3. #3
    Going from a relatively bug free environment to hellhole Tejas where you can't even sit on the grass without being eaten alive by fire ants and seeing flying bugs as large a a small bird was quite the culture shock
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Going from a relatively bug free environment to hellhole Tejas where you can't even sit on the grass without being eaten alive by fire ants and seeing flying bugs as large a a small bird was quite the culture shock

    Lol i imagine you got cockroaches the size of tarantulas down there in Tejas.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
    Originally posted by WellHung Lol i imagine you got cockroaches the size of tarantulas down there in Tejas.

    and tarantulas the size of VW beetles.
  6. #6
    Ghast Houston
    you think people in minnesoda are in another universe or some shit,don't you live in Ellinois???
  7. #7
    Originally posted by Ghast you think people in minnesoda are in another universe or some shit

    Ones that live in California sure are.
  8. #8
    Ghast Houston
    Nah, well hung has this weird thing where he thinks people from "colder" places are like Eskimos that die from diseases and stuff, idk what kind of third world science he gets this info.

    isn't ellenois one of the cold states lul
  9. #9
    Originally posted by Ghast Nah, well hung has this weird thing where he thinks people from "colder" places are like Eskimos that die from diseases and stuff, idk what kind of third world science he gets this info.

    isn't ellenois one of the cold states lul

    Read the title again.."Reduced"...he's saying they are LESS likely to die from diseases and stuff (bug born ones).
  10. #10
    Ghast Houston
    YEah we never have scares of ZIKA or WEST NILE in Canada or anything *rolls eyes*
  11. #11
    Originally posted by Ghast YEah we never have scares of ZIKA or WEST NILE in Canada or anything *rolls eyes*

    3 people...
  12. #12
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by Ghast YEah we never have scares of ZIKA or WEST NILE in Canada or anything *rolls eyes*

  13. #13
    About as many as COVID lol licks better shut down the entire fucking global economy and inject your children with genetic biohacking plasmids
  14. #14
    Originally posted by Rotten Rodney About as many as COVID lol licks better shut down the entire fucking global economy and inject your children with genetic biohacking plasmids

    Looks like the Canadian education system and alt media let you down again
  15. #15
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Looks like the Canadian education system and alt media let you down again

    I dropped out of school at a young age to join the workforce and I don't consume "alt media"

    shit like Project Vertitas is fucking cringe as all get out, their bombshell pfizer recording was literally done on a fake gay date lol i'm sure their ALT RIGHT actor was just PLAYING the part of trying to seduce faggots from big pharma and talking to them about vaccine with a recording device. Sounds kinda glowey to me and I don't like the precedent the anti-vax crowd sets against corporations.

    Yes, big pharma is evil. I have been saying that for YEARS but now suddenly everyone is a fucking expert on healthcare industry issues? fuck off, none of you know shit.

    written in 2016 btw

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man You have no history in drug manufacturing so why the fuck do you care?. Your just a junkie. This WHOLE THREAD is big pharma shills. VIRAL ADVERTISING confirmed!!!! is just a fucking hugbox for scidiots (prescription drug idiots) (its just sc in front of idiots lmao) all I read is Your post signatures should legally be required to list the side effects you fucking shills. Its required by LAW for TV commercials to do so.. What's the difference here? Our "law" is being paid off by big pharma. Lanny sold out to the drug companies.

    Next comes FREE-RXHOTLINE banner ads.. You think those ROCHESELLER spambots were trolls?..

    The rabbit hole just gets deeper and deeper.

    your left right parroting the mainstream ain't gonna work on me, but there still might be hope left for you folkx

    pretty funny, project veritas is notorious for BAD sound quality and they actually reached out to THE BEST PODCAST IN THE UNIVERSE for tips on audio engineering LOLLOCKS and they made fun of them a lil bit on the show. Don't consume media, deconstruct it.

    *hits slave in the mouth*

    fungazis? oh shit today is thursday which means NO AGENDA is live 2pm EST.

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Yeeeee nigga thass wass up. I'm just sittin here , listening to the No Agenda Show best podcast in the universe livestream

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby No agenda is good scro got me into that show. Hes like the original podcaster
  16. #16
    Originally posted by Rotten Rodney I dropped out of school at a young age to join the workforce

    Called it.

    and I don't consume "alt media"

    ..and then goes on to copy/paste a bunch of alt media shit as usual

  17. #17
    so you consider literally any podcast to be "alt media"

    That's funny considering most of them are actually mainstream as fuck and feature a revolving door of government turned private sector "consultants", this is frequently mentioned on the show.

    So you have proven that you don't know shit about podcasts and are once again just parroting more mainstream talking points.

    So you probably consider Joe Rogan to be alt media and you support the WOKE agenda instead? fucking retarded, pick a side, commie.
  18. #18
    Originally posted by Rotten Rodney so you consider literally any podcast to be "alt media"

    Not any no, a podcast about tupperware isn't really "alt"

    Jo Rogan definitely is though.
  19. #19
    Well I don't watch him either, but the guy on his podcast also lives in Austin Texas (which is where Alex Jones also lives)

    so these dudes all hang out because retard society considers them to be alt media, when they are just fucking podcasts. I agree Joe Rogan has marketed himself as alt media, which is why I don't watch him. But Adam Currey (the podfather) likes to go on his show, He also goes on Megan Kelly's podcast

    Yep she is definitely an alt-right ultra maga nazi that wants to gas 6million jedis and blacks

    Just like Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon who are alt left extremist woke agenda .. wait what side are you on again. This is too retarded and gay, hence why I don't consume mainstream media or anything that society considers "alt"

    I deconstruct EVERYTHING , everyone is wrong or being paid to say it.
  20. #20
    Originally posted by Rotten Rodney everyone is wrong or being paid to say it.

    No Agenda does not take advertisement, they are 100% viewer funded. Why? Because if you take money from a company to run an ad, they can withhold paying you if you say something they don't like/doesn't meet their brand which in this current climate is usually "THEY SAID HE ITS ZIR!!!!"

    and you think it's cool that a woke corporation can just AXE anyone that doesn't cow tow to the WOKE gay lgbtqqiappp+- agenda? That sounds pretty fucking GAY to me like getting bent over the squad car by officer kike nasty.

    The audience tells NO AGENDA when they fuck up by NOT DONATING which means THAT EPISODE SUCKED, DO BETTER.
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