2017-05-23 at 1:35 AM UTC
Peeled them like a banana. Up and out with the cores just slowly crumbling away right afterwards as the dust/smoke is clearing.
Threw H beams up and out several football fields away in length. Into the sides of buildings.
You can't hear the explosion because most cameras used a fader on background noise. and thumping or sounds overwealming the average speech range is enhancemented out. But people there heard Pow Pow Pow and thunderous roaring of wind and shit just reining down (raining?) on everyone and every thing.
I saw the sat gif file of Erin. So bizzare.. it's like "Hey NYC.. coming to destroy the shit out of you... nope later"
how weird is that? perhaps the initial guise was Hurricane damage but last minute they somehow deflected that hurricane off of NY and NJ and pushed it away from the coast. They first directed a hurricane into cambodia in 1970 to "Soften the front" .. Project Popeye