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My recent luck involves a crown falling out after two months after installation... car radio suddenly not working ...I just recharged the system with Freon and it leaked out completely in 4 days... completely in 4 days got a blown left axle boot

  1. #1
    WellHung Black Hole
    And my vehicle has a blown left axle boot. THANK YOU.
  2. #2
    Sucks when you're in one of those "periods"...and they seem to happen so much more often than "windfall" periods.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    Wellhungs GURPS stats are the following

    │ S ││ 3 │
    │ P ││ 4 │
    │ E ││ 4 │
    │ C ││ 6 │
    │ I ││ 2 │
    │ A ││ 4 │
    │ L ││ 5 │
  4. #4
    kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    Can I please get a fuckin stop sign god-damn it
  5. #5
    kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    Any [every] day out here could be my last. Do you seriously think I have time/energy/motivation to have an ACTUAL drug habit, dude

    A habit is defined as anything that you can do for 21 days straight

    Sitting around waiting hours on some bs dealer to score on some bullshit that is… Way over-priced… Fuckin give me one good experience bro, before this god-forsaken city swallows me up bro. Let me write about it (to myself) so that I don't have to sit here and think about getting jacked by niggers all night in bed, bro… Please. It's not even about humanity, it's about being a human. Are you really that incapacitated that you can't hold down a normal conversation? What the fuck?

    I'm seriously about to get some real ass suites in the game and having niggas rammin bro.

    My house is not amish country. No, I'm not in prison. Get a fucking clue. I like working out. Big fuckin deal. No I do not want to go to the fuckin salt mines. The fuck is wrong with people?
  6. #6
    kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    Thinkin' like a fuckin robot
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