2023-05-13 at 2:20 PM UTC
I live outside a small town and there are lots of churches around here handing out food. No questions asked and they don't pressure people to attend their church.
We also have a free weekly clinic the local doctors run, if you have a serious problem they will find a doctor that will see you for free.
2023-05-13 at 11:13 PM UTC
I'm down to my last thousand dollars. âšī¸
2023-05-14 at 12:43 AM UTC
I have no money in my bank account. I leech off of others for the time being until college starts later this Fall.
2023-05-14 at 11:11 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
i always wondered ho do employers who hire people and not pay them until the following month especially in companies thwt only pay like for a given month and like on the tenth or middle of s given month and not until the dsy of the paycheck but swy if you started late in a month only for those days like way into the next month you dont even get paid for, how do they expect people to live like without fmsilies help or support who get a job and have to wiat w fucking month if not more like in this case ive had done to me before or seen in poland companies do where they only pay for a month work bot until the dsy of the paycheck how do they expect people tos urvive u til they get thst first paycheck?
2023-05-14 at 11:12 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
plus not everyone has savings or support and people look months for a good job plus in poland unemployment is so shitty its literally like 250 bucks a month.
2023-05-15 at 1:01 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
i dont see what thst has to do with being a good employee and most people in this day and sge with credit csrd debt (especislly in usa) high costs of living and hyper inflstion are living paycheck to paycheck partivularly people like me without a wife or partner in life.
2023-05-15 at 1:02 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
many people are anti social or introverts without large if any support networks and not everyone had a life partner or two chevks coming in per month. plus some of us have careers like artists that tend to not pay well and have a high unemployment rate or it takes more than a month or two to find a new position.
2023-05-15 at 1:20 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
because tahts the job of kanagement to manage company assets not the job of most employees. most are there just to do a job and not kanage anything.
2023-05-15 at 1:22 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
many companies csnt even manage their assets what make syou think msot adults can? heck look at how many gaming vompanies constwntly fsll under for mismanaging assets or budgets.