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  1. Kafka sweaty
    At 14 I was more interested in books on Nazi Germany because that was real horror.
  2. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    it was. like history was fascinating when you first learnt of it.
  3. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Kafka I must have been so disturbed. I remember reading five books a week when I was 13, mostly horror and adult horror. Then at 15 I'd be up at 1am and watch horror movies all night.

    you have talent for like quickly gaining knowledge or being sble to self educate or absorbe informaiton quickly.
  4. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Kafka I must have been so disturbed. I remember reading five books a week when I was 13, mostly horror and adult horror. Then at 15 I'd be up at 1am and watch horror movies all night.

    how did you function without sleep during school or the day?
  5. Kafka sweaty
    I didn't have the internet when I was 13 and my interests are narrowed but obsessive. I went to sleep at 7pm then again around 4am.
  6. Kafka sweaty
    I've realised I like being self-absorbed because men dislike it.
  7. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    thats a good way of looking at it or basically bring it to the man so to speak. it make syou qlso unique.
  8. Kafka sweaty
    Wondering who I'll be next if anyone. I feel like I stopped evolving at 26 and have devolved since I got here. I haven't really been looking for new friends.
  9. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    its good to always be open to new acquaintances. No?
  10. Kafka sweaty
    Does anyone else think nis is a death cult?

  11. Originally posted by Kafka At 14 I was more interested in books on Nazi Germany because that was real horror.

    When I was 8 years old I would always play as the nazis and I admired their fancy uniforms and shiny boots

    I am very thankful I was born when I was and not today lol, I was right on the edge of getting put on a list and being cringe for life.

    Skinheads are chill but their ideology is kinda retarded, yet they are talking about race at least in a non elitist way, it feels very of the people (western skinhead gangs, not actual real nazis)

    Originally posted by Kafka Does anyone else think nis is a death cult?

    The people that killed themselves were all single and could be called rejects of society somewhat, they did not have HIGH PAYING SALARY careers and a wife and kids

    they were dudes my age that couldn't make any relationship, happiness or stability work in their lives and to cope with the suffering of being alive in such a corrupt world they took lethal amounts of drugs

    It sucks because I think AI is the biggest thing to come out since cryptocurrency when we no longer had to rely on banks and could build the future instead of being scammed and robbed.
    I know plenty of people just like that, In fact I don't know anyone from my generation, older or younger that is DOING WELL and in a loving happy relationship free from mental health and drug addiction and hardship and a stable income etc etc etc

    Look at all the mass shootings, political insanity, gender wars, people aren't having children anymore, people aren't even dating or having casual sex

    Most of the people here that died never lived long enough to see the retardation from covid, AI is our reward for putting up through such retardation from society on both sides

    I came to this community for 1 reason only, to freely share informations of drug manufacture I was researching.
    Legalize all drugs, guns, nukes, murder and theft, not for 24 hours like the Purge.

    We need to first purge society before that can ever happen, and not of free thinkers but of elites and those who fight on the side of evil. They need to be lined up in the streets and shot

    Angry alt-left/right incel tranny terrorist whatever shouldn't be turning their guns on children, we should be arming children and families and encouraging them to murder any politician or property owner that can't afford to defend themselves

    Why are taxpayers forced to pay for their security? I don't want these police in my neighborhood, I just came back from the store and saw cops harassing a crying couple in a park and I kept hearing them say "DFO YOU NEED US TO CONRACT MENTAL HELATH PROVIDERS EITHER YOU LEAVE, FIND A SHELTER OR I CALL AN AMBULANCE". These people can afford to defend themselves,

    WHile the Average working Joe that got arrested once for weed and went to a mental hospital 10 years ago isn't allowed to own a gun, and can't afford one anyways. Instead its some punk kid from a rich family that "wakes up" and realizes OH SHIT THIS WORLD NEEDS TO BURN
    Honestly their senseless violence seems about as noble as most modern globalist militaries

    like what the fuck??, the sad part is there is no way to help anyone, no amount of charity, good will and holding hands with leaders and institution will change the fundamentals of the system.

    Society is a death cult and we are all apart of it

    I should start writing erotica again
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Tell milk I said hello and please inform him we now call him "Microphone" short for "Mike"
  13. Kafka sweaty
    I think I'm lucky to have been born when I was, a decade sooner and it'd be a mental hospital, if I was born now I'd be diagnosed with autism too early because of new tests/awareness and that would cripple me because my family would have never treated me as normal. I didn't get diagnosed until I was 17, and I'm glad it was aspergers and not just autism because I had self doubts at the time but then read about famous people with it.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. Kafka sweaty
    My mum used to tell me I couldn't study in the city because of my autism, can you imagine if that shit had started when I was five?
  15. Kafka sweaty
    There are probably many parallel worlds where I've killed her.
  16. Kafka sweaty
    The past few days part of my scalp has started tingling. Just above my forehead on my right side.
  17. Originally posted by Kafka There are probably many parallel worlds where I've killed her.

  18. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Ollie ollie oxen free
  19. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Ecto the plasm

    did you make this
  20. Originally posted by Kafka I was 12 when I read the spookesville series and remember most of those plots.

    We used to read Encyclopedia Brown. The answer to the mystery was written on the last page upside down, in case you couldn't solve it.
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