So back in 2011 I turned 18. In 2010 I was accepted into Marquette Business School, a private college in Milwaukee,. Wisconsin. In september of the same year I crashed my vehicle after driving my girlfriend home, the other occupant was my boy , he was 16 at the time and I was 17. Because of this I was waived into adult court me being 17 made me an adult, him being 16 made him a juvenile. I was hit with a felony count of DUI 1 with injury to a passenger under the age of 18.
In Wisconsin, you can actually be waived into adult court for hurting a minor that is older than you are. Kinda bizarre but ok.
So I was revoked on my permission to attend Marquette, I opted for the best business school in the state which was UW-Whitewater and I attended two semesters. This is when I entered Zoklet and began my friendship with this community. I was upon the beginning of my third semester arrested for drug trafficking related to the involvement I had with our community. I was arrested on external incitements, btw. RCVBRADLEYB93.
So I got out and I've had a lackluster life since, what I Thought would be the greatest thing since sliced Brad, was kinda shit. Caught another bid.
Now I haven't been in a lick of trouble for couple years. Not gonna lie I"m approaching 30 and I hate myself,
Figure could be a lot worse. For one I'm alive, so that's really really good (for me).
Pretty much hate riptotse and every other person who cals up to make statements about peopel they barely know because they a straight up snitch. But it is what it is.
I'm happy despite my self hatred. I have a really good sex life, got good money well not good but like enoguh for me to feel is good, pretty much isolated myself from every piece of shit I know, have a lot of hate in my heart, my left eyeball hurts a lot, especially when it gets too much sun. Kinda fucked up how it hangs a lil lower now, not in a way you'd recognize upon viewing, but a way you recognize if it's your face.
Thought I had erectile dysfunction like Wariat. I don't. Just don't like dude booty & gay shit anymore. Kinda tired of it. A couple hundred men will do that to you. Kinda want a wife.
But what the fuck do I have to offer? Constant talking, stable (but minimal) income, kinda like a piece of shit problem, alcoholism, and I put hands on most people I love.
I know I"m a piece of shit, and I never, ever thought I would see 30. Truthfully I didn't think I would ever see 18. Now all my people have dropped like flies. Not dropping like flies, but like they mostly all dead already, or sober and moved away and have families.
I Want that for myself but honestly. I really couldn't give a fuck less.
I hope paul wozny is doing good in Hell.