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  1. Kafka sweaty
    It would be a good plot if people were lied to about their ancestry to make them more accepting of jedis. Ik that isn't the case though.
  2. Haxxor Space Nigga
    feckin’ gobshite
  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Oven play
  4. Originally posted by Kafka I lost my JM ring and dunno which of these I should wear, I only wear one ring.

    how old are you ?

    i m more than 40 and i dont even have that much wrinkles on the back of my hand,
  5. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny how old are you ?

    i m more than 40 and i dont even have that much wrinkles on the back of my hand,

    I'm 28. My fingers have always been ugly and I wash my hands a lot.
  6. Originally posted by Kafka I'm 28. My fingers have always been ugly and I wash my hands a lot.

    i wash my hands a lot too but it only fucks my hand up if i wash it with gasoline / petrol or paint thinner.
  7. Kafka sweaty
    My fingers were crooked as a child as well, not sure if it's because of the way I hold a pen because that doesn't account for my other hand. Anyway I don't want to hate my flaws because it makes me unique and if I were the only human alive I would love myself.
  8. its ok. im just curious what do you do and why they wrinkle so much.
  9. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny its ok. im just curious what do you do and why they wrinkle so much.

    I think it's bone structure because they were like that at the joints when I was a teen. I wash my hands a lot and rarely use hand cream so that's why they're dry. My hands never get sweaty anymore so I wonder if that has something to do with it. I don't have oily skin anymore either and did as a teen, it's probably the contraceptive bar in my arm.
  10. Kafka sweaty
    Is it normal my mum threw out all my childhood artwork? There's nothing from when I was a child in her house, no photos. She kept the hospital bracelet from when I was born for awhile but also threw that out.
  11. DontTellEm Black Hole
    It makes sense to me
  12. Originally posted by Kafka Is it normal my mum threw out all my childhood artwork? There's nothing from when I was a child in her house, no photos. She kept the hospital bracelet from when I was born for awhile but also threw that out.

    maybe your adopted ?
  13. Kafka sweaty
    Time to leave Reddit.

  14. Sweet African Astronaut
    I got like 160k comment karma in 3 months purely by posting anti Russia comments in /r/NonCredibleDefense
  15. Originally posted by Kafka Is it normal my mum threw out all my childhood artwork? There's nothing from when I was a child in her house, no photos. She kept the hospital bracelet from when I was born for awhile but also threw that out.

    That's not normal.

    Most moms have pics of their babies.

    In fact I've noticed a lot of moms keep naked pics of their babies around. It'd be child porn if a guy did it. They seem to regard their babies as such extreme beauty they want their naked pics on the wall for all the world to see.

    Maybe your mom never bonded with you due to her being autistic or something?
  16. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Donald Trump That's not normal.

    Most moms have pics of their babies.

    Maybe your mom never bonded with you due to her being autistic or something?

    She was scared of me when I was born and thought I was the reincarnation of my granddad who'd died a few days earlier. We never bonded.
  17. Originally posted by Kafka She was scared of me when I was born and thought I was the reincarnation of my granddad who'd died a few days earlier. We never bonded.

    We share our ancestor's genetic code and so in a real sense we are our ancestors born again.

    And traits tend to skip a generation.

    Dunno that that would scare a mother unless she hated her dad.

    I want to get GG pregnant, but she fights me all the way. She's too old anyway, nearly 42.
  18. Haxxor Space Nigga
  19. Originally posted by Haxxor

    React gifs belong on reddit.
  20. Haxxor Space Nigga
    I thought it was Time to leave Reddit.
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