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how do liberals think guns work

  1. #1
    cryptographiccontrarian African Astronaut
    i had a friend who is pretty liberal but he was asking me about buying a gun like just incase but his roommates are all discussing it and how they could safely store such a thing in their residence and they were asking me about like getting 2-3 separate safes, dismantling the firearm into pieces with one piece in each safe just to be safe. i had to point out that in the event they did ever need to use it it would probably take like 10 minutes to open the safes, assemble and load it and so it would basically render it totally useless in any occasion that they would actually need to use it for self defense.

    but then it got me thinking like how do they think guns work really if they think having it in a locked safe with the safety on and a lock through the magazine well would end up in some sort of negligent discharge? do they know that a rifle that has the upper and lower receiver (literally, in the literal sense of the word) disconnected will not fire? i would like to fix the damn patriot pin on my rifle but everyone is so terrified of guns that i feel like im gonna get swatted just for pulling it out and trying because anyone who sees it might mistake it for a nuclear bomb or something. im not saying they should suicide or anything ridiculous like that BRO but maybe like 10 mg of valium or something might help or just smoke a joint.
  2. #2
    cryptographiccontrarian African Astronaut
    better yet maybe 1 mg of BROmazolam
  3. #3
    cryptographiccontrarian African Astronaut
    its like when you wear a bleach tie dye shirt and walk into cvs and they immediately stereotype you as a bundy thief and call security when all you wanted to do was buy a cheap iced tea
  4. #4
    cryptographiccontrarian African Astronaut

    just kidding liberals u know i love u
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
  6. #6
    WellHung Black Hole
    They think that if you pull the trigger while the gun is loaded, and the safety is off... it will shoot a bullet.
  7. #7
    Originally posted by WellHung They think that if you pull the trigger while the gun is loaded, and the safety is off… it will shoot a bullet.

    You better mind yourself, fart knocker
  8. #8
    Elbow African Astronaut
    Pretty sure the common concern for gun-interested but very hesitant liberals is the threat they pose to themselves on a bad day. Locking the gun up in 3 parts and 3 separate safes is a terrible idea if you want it for home defense but it's a great idea if you want it for plinking and you're the kind of person who's likely to come home from work one day, have a mental breakdown, and eat the fucker.

    (This isn't me shit talking pansy liberals: if I was to get a gun this is pretty much my thought process - I don't particularly want/feel I need one for defense, but a range toy and a self-defense weapon are both equally capable of unaliving me if the mood strikes and the mood has struck once or twice before. If I'd had a gun at the time I wouldn't be writing this.)
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #9
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Ive been trying to figure this out for years
  10. #10
    Haxxor Space Nigga

    They blurred his face so his friends won’t judge him.
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