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  1. #21
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Kafka My Christmas has been dramatic so far. My mum wouldn't let me see my family so they went to a Christmas market and concert without me. You know why? Because I wanted to leave the Cure concert early. We'd been there two hours, I'd been up since 1am and it was 11pm when my autism got to me, couldn't handle the noise or crowd, I didn't even want to go because I'd seen them before. I only went so my mum wouldn't be there alone. She punishes me by not letting me see my family over Christmas, upsetting my nephew.

    I blocked my sister on FB, punched a mirror and smashed some thing that reminded my mum of her dead brother. I'm taking Zoloft now because I don't want to ruin Christmas for everyone.

    wats mum
  2. #22
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by blaster master brad call me when you got a min

  3. #23
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by RIPtotse Getting an eviction on ur rental record or whatever makes it difficult to get a place sometimes

    Only in the state you were evicted in right?
  4. #24
    Kafka sweaty
    I don’t want to have Christmas dinner with my mum but it’s her first Christmas off work in years and she’d be alone. Idk what I’ll do.
  5. #25
    Bradley Florida Man
    Get drunk with her and snack.
  6. #26
    jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley No. I've been using a table as a desk for my computer and bullshit since I got here the owner of the house called means told me I have to leave Thursday because I've been told before.

    I'm 31 days sober. I only started getting the fuck it's and feeling like drinking when I consider having to deal with homelessness. He told me to find somewhere to rent, I tried calling two places and both said they'll be out of the office till the second.

    I think Thursday would be the 29th.

    I've been here 6 weeks and have had mail delivered here.

    That's fucked up kicking a man out at Christmas time. Everybody closed down so will be harder to find a new place.

    And Bradley don't go on a bender, smoke some weed or something. I'm rooting for ya to stay away from alcohol and keep up with your plans.

    You have balls because few people would hop on a bus alone and move to a strange city. Be proud of getting this far and don't fuck it up.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. #27
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by jerryb That's fucked up kicking a man out at Christmas time. Everybody closed down so will be harder to find a new place.

    And Bradley don't go on a bender, smoke some weed or something. I'm rooting for ya to stay away from alcohol and keep up with your plans.

    You have balls because few people would hop on a bus alone and move to a strange city. Be proud of getting this far and don't fuck it up.

    I didn't get drunk. Worst case scenario, I have a yoga mat, I'll just need a tarp and a machete and I'm well on my way to making a water proof fort to live in. Figure I'll save up the money and the month before exams rent a motel for that month, get high grades, get my degree and then spend the summer with my gang and come back to FIU in fall and stay in campus housing
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #28
    Bradley Florida Man
    Something that really stuck with me that I heard in AA:

    No matter how bad what you're going through is it will only be made worse by drinking.

    And I believe that.

    Today is also the first day I haven't smoked any weed.
  9. #29
    jerryb African Astronaut
    Good on you Bradley, I'm sure you can find a place to sleep instead of the streets. Your a pretty smart guy and know how to hustle so I've got confidence in ya.
  10. #30
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Kafka My Christmas has been dramatic so far. My mum wouldn't let me see my family so they went to a Christmas market and concert without me. You know why? Because I wanted to leave the Cure concert early. We'd been there two hours, I'd been up since 1am and it was 11pm when my autism got to me, couldn't handle the noise or crowd, I didn't even want to go because I'd seen them before. I only went so my mum wouldn't be there alone. She punishes me by not letting me see my family over Christmas, upsetting my nephew.

    I blocked my sister on FB, punched a mirror and smashed some thing that reminded my mum of her dead brother. I'm taking Zoloft now because I don't want to ruin Christmas for everyone.

    Lala started reading this post out loud with no context. I assumed it was something on Facebook but said “sounds like a Kafka post”. I guess consistency is good?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. #31

    It made me feel better about having a mental breakdown from San Diego traffic today
  12. #32
    That is the most top shelf white trash snack assortment. Jesus just looking at gin makes me feel kind of ill. i remember drinking it in high school because i liked that you could mix it with grapefruit juice or sprite n not really taste it.
  13. #33
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I've always hated gin
  14. #34
    Originally posted by aldra I've always hated gin

    Oh btw im transferring admin of the telegram to you so you can round up whoever. Just says itll take 7 days after i set up 2FA to be able to do it.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #35
    Incessant African Astronaut
    I made a delicious raspberry Bombay Sapphire Moscow mule the other day so fuck all y'all that don't like gin. You're not about the culture.
  16. #36
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I also hate Bombay, sapphires and culture
  17. #37
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    and mules too. miscegenators.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. #38
    Incessant African Astronaut
    But you don't hate meeeee
  19. #39
    Incessant African Astronaut
    Kafka's mental break down also makes me feel better about staying up all night to count swag and finish my work before vacation because I'm a prograstinator and then proceed to stay up through the day and freak the fuck out over some shit going down with our friends that doesn't even really involve me. Cried like all day until I finally got some rest and talked to my mom.
  20. #40
    Originally posted by Incessant I made a delicious raspberry Bombay Sapphire Moscow mule the other day so fuck all y'all that don't like gin. You're not about the culture.

    Youre a disgrace to 25% of mexico
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