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Why did you act like 'Ye would be interested

  1. #1
    slide22 African Astronaut
    In NIS?

    Because the "Free Association of Segue" I do to say Harper Reed worked for PayPal and eBay writing security software for their crypto security (who also was Obama's Asst-CTO 2008 andCTO 2012) worked for Elon Musk who Elon Musk is friends or was friends with Kanye?

    do you think maybe Kanyes mom helped get him into CS (or something along those facts) and he was a suburban "thug" rather than Compton Franchise thuggery?

    is it possible that "TOTSE FOREVER" Harper Reed knows Elon Musk and maybe Elon was clearly a computer nerd hanging out on the NirvanaNet and this is a NirvanaNet CBBS/ cDc (moo) thing? with Jeff Hunter's irc as ? MOOOOOOOOO
  2. #2
    Ghost Black Hole
  3. #3
    STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    how many mg of adderall did u pop tonight
  4. #4
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
  5. #5
    Bradley Dogsbane
    His name isn't 'Ye you ignorant obese boomer. It's Ye. He didn't contract shit nigga!!!
  6. #6
    Bradley Dogsbane
    And no
  7. #7
    Ghost Black Hole
    OP is on more stimulants than me
  8. #8
    CDC = cult of dead cow , for those who don't know
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