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Ran into a weird story just now

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Apprently some polish gabg gor swntence to only 4-9 years per member that was kbown for rape ibxkuding other men in lockup i think and street as this was rhe ukrinate pubishment or depravity to do in the criminal ubderworld of poland or some shit:
  2. #2
    slide22 African Astronaut
  3. #3
    Bradley Black Hole
    Do you feel better now that you finally got justice?
  4. #4
    Ghost Black Hole
    Your life is a weird story
  5. #5
    slide22 African Astronaut
    When are we going to Warsaw and play "kidnap Wario and ransom h8m for mommies money so we too can globetrot in minecrat world by SWIM"

    Whatever that quote means said who?
  6. #6
    slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost Your life is a weird story

    And you're a normi3 dating a gay and delicate man who works for CSIC and is missing a few sharpie caps
  7. #7
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by slide22 When are we going to Warsaw and play "kidnap Wario and ransom h8m for mommies money so we too can globetrot in minecrat world by SWIM"

    Whatever that quote means said who?

    ransoming him back to his mother could work
  8. #8
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    or it could backfire

    'send us da big zloty or we'll chop your son up'

    'do it faggot'
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #9
    Bradley Black Hole
    I already told my mom if I was ever ransomed don't give them any money, because I know me, and I know I wouldn't ever be taken alive, I would just die rright there than be taken, and so I probably would die right there, and I wouldn't be alive and she'd just be buying back a corpse and as soona s I'm dead my body's experience is no longer particularly concerning to me if I am killed by anotherm an.
  10. #10
    Bradley Black Hole
    cuz if someone is gonna go through the trouble of kidnapping me, they're gonna kill me or they're gonna torture me, I know this.
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