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I'm everything

  1. #1
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    undesirable. lol look at this shit

    Disorder | Rating

    ParanoidPersonality | High
    SchizoidPersonality | High
    SchizotypalPersonality | High
    AntisocialPersonality | Moderate
    BorderlinePersonality | Very High
    HistrionicPersonality | High
    NarcissisticPersonality | High
    AvoidantPersonality | Very High
    DependentPersonality | Moderate
    Obsessive-CompulsivePersonality | High

    I gotta get rid of these fucking bad habits of taking BS tests
  2. #2
    snab_snib African Astronaut
    you know that half of them cancel the other half out, right?

  3. #3
    Originally posted by snab_snib you know that half of them cancel the other half out, right?

    did you just draw this?
  4. #4
    snab_snib African Astronaut
  5. #5
    does it have a meaning
  6. #6
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    you have faggot disorder
  7. #7
    snab_snib African Astronaut

    i was talking to someone earlier

    i think schizoid is the scale between persocuter and persocuted

    where beta is the scale between persocuter and savior of the persocuted

    and beta is the scale between persocuted and savior

    pretty tidy

    it's a convenient way of thinking about how different sorts of personalities will manifest behaviors at the two ends of the spectrum of energized enthusiasm to deleterious depression

    but i think there's an inherent flaw in the legacy ideas brought in from the beta beta distinction
    that caused the creator of that metric to overlook inversibility

    for example, the beta, who prosecutes when he's hyped or has the advantage and saves when he's in lack or is at a disadvantage in terms of the prospects of emotional gain, could also, in the throes of a pathology, become wicked in the reversal of these poles

    he could become embittered, angry, sadistic, and go about pursuing 'those that need saving' for foul purposes, and he could persocute not in the way that bullies do beneficially to prevent weaker pack members from crossing a certain weakness threshold, but in order to push people below the weakness threshold

    so while it's an interesting rubric, like most such things, it's a drastic simplification. it's a simplification in the exact same way that reductionist scientific materialism seeks to simply the world for people who can't cope with the complexities of existence.

    in all likelihood, considering what i remember about the aesthetic of the image, it was made by a schizoid, who was persocuting by creating definition through the cancerous 'growth of meaning' that the schizotypal experience when they're subjected to prolonged fear. the person who made it responded to the neurosy inflicted on himself by make de-facto orderings of the environment and people around him, without regard to it's possible flaws.

    if we were to affect on these preceding grounds a tentative improvement, the triangle would have to become a double-pyramid diamond prism

    with beta major, beta minor, Schizoid major, Schizoid minor, Beta major, beta minor

    as you can see, any of the three modalities at the peak of their expression would be 'dominant' and any of the modalities at the worst of their expression would be terrible

    above the axis, the solar properties of the modality would strengthen towards the positive end of their scale, and below the axis, you approach inversion of values

    and at the height and depth of the possible 'value' of any modality, they become pretty much indistinguishable, being the expression of perfect balance or perfect failure respectively.
  8. #8
    either replace the word "schizoid" with "omega" or have "beta" "beta" have a corresponding diagnosis. there's no consistency
  9. #9
    snab_snib African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Oasis either replace the word "schizoid" with "omega" or have "beta" "beta" have a corresponding diagnosis. there's no consistency

    that would be inaccurate.
  10. #10
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by snab_snib yes

    i was talking to someone earlier

    Ehh 4.5/10 you tried
  11. #11
    im 19/0 on the zimmy test
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