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15 is the perfect age of consent

  1. #21
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Take 10 12-15yr old physically mature GIRLS…let them have sex with 40yr old men…check back with the girls when they was 25 years old and ask them if they made the right decision back about having sex with those men.

    oh, you mean like THESE girls ....

  2. #22
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson So listen to pedophiles on twitter rather than academia…seems your brain needs a few more decades to develop too

    Lets just go with what you are suggesting though…

    Take 10 12-15yr old physically mature GIRLS…let them have sex with 40yr old men…check back with the girls when they was 25 years old and ask them if they made the right decision back about having sex with those men.

    …I'm pretty sure the "Empirical" data will show MOST if not all of them will say "no I made the wrong decision".

    OR…keeping with the Empirical data thing…ask 100,000 fathers of 12-15yr old girls if they are ok with a 40yr old man fucking their princess…

    …guess what the VAST majority of responses will be.

    Get the fuck oudda here with your twitter bullshit

    Lol no one would admit it or tell the truth tho if they enjoyed rhe sex ir miss it or that first time or that guy even none would admit it. Plenty of did tho when polanski hqd his cqse wsmitted ro doing similar stuff defending him and saying they liked it on forums like imdb and twitter.
  3. #23
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    There used ro be a lolita board on imdb and many girls this age asmitted just this jog who hung out there.
  4. #24
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny oh, you mean like THESE girls ….

    and these girls

    very mature. by the time they hit 50.
  5. #25
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Samantha geiner soesnr even look badly upon the sex jig just the media and us culture. Plus why the fuk i care what they think yrs feom now about me?
  6. #26
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    I may thi k theyre all
    Gold diggers or hos too do they care jig or the female gender whqt i fink?
  7. #27
    Originally posted by Wariat Lol no one would admit it or tell the truth tho if they enjoyed rhe sex ir miss it

    You don't seem to understand how the world works...a CHILD's brain has NOT matured enough to make rational decisions...people who cannot make rational decisions cannot give valid or lawful consent.

    No more so than a 90yr old dementia suffer can figure out how not to shit his pants instead of using the toilet.

    I also doubt very much based on the EMPIRICAL data YOU PERSONALLY have presented over the years that the VAST majority of 12-15yr old girls would NOT ENJOY OR WANT sex with you...even if they could think rationally

  8. #28
    Again it's really simple if you don't accept the academic facts about the human brain not being matured till 25ish ...

    Ask 100,000 fathers (on twitter if you like) if it's ok for you to fuck their young 12-15yr old daughter.

    Report the results...
  9. #29
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Again it's really simple if you don't accept the academic facts about the human brain not being matured till 25ish …

    Ask 100,000 fathers (on twitter if you like) if it's ok for you to fuck their young 12-15yr old daughter.

    Report the results…

    twitter is not a source of truth.

    and secondly, most father would naturally object to strangers having sexes with their littke girl, but if you ask them why, and if theyre honest, they would say cause they want to keep their daughters for themselves.

  10. #30
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny

    very mature. by the time they hit 50.

    are these girls mature johnny boy ?
  11. #31
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny twitter is not a source of truth.


    I know it's not...Wariat was citing it dumbo...I was tongue in cheek using HIS source...try to keep up!

    The academic community IS the source of the truth and they say 25..that's the age when the human brain is fully mature and rational.
  12. #32
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny are these girls mature johnny boy ?

    50yr olds? yeah you can fuck those all day...assuming you can find one to consent...
  13. #33
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson 50yr olds? yeah you can fuck those all day…assuming you can find one to consent…

    then why they still claim getting raped
  14. #34
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny then why they still claim getting raped

    Um because they didn't consent? duh.
  15. #35
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Um because they didn't consent? duh.

  16. #36
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny retroactively

    ...have they said that or did you read it on twitter?
  17. #37
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson …have they said that or did you read it on twitter?

    the court transcript.
  18. #38
    Oh and don't forget this guy...he was 'raped' too.

  19. #39
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Wariat girls 15 going on 16 or around 15-17 are literally the best age of any. like the prime for fucking and being introduced into depravity or degenerancy. Like look at their fucking bodies and their adult like faces but their like bodies. theyre hot as fuck.

    Age of consent is stupid anyways. Just don't fuck kids, not a very difficult thing to do if you aren't sick in the head.

    If murder was legal we wouldn't need age of consent laws because any man that harms a woman or child would be punished by that society and have their head cut off in the town square
  20. #40
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny the court transcript.

    Link each one where the court actually decided that was the case.
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