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lol funny ass shit guys

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    so here i was talking to this 16 yr old chick about to turn 17 and at first she didnt want any relarions with me ssying im too old old enough to be her dad etc but wouldnt block me or rewlly start tlsking shit like the other polish chicks. so eventuslly she days i can have relarions with you under one condition and i said what and she said sex and good comversarion for money. she revealed she recently had to start selling herself or fucking for money and she is from warsaw and lives alone with her dad due to financial problems at home but said her dad doesnt know and she never fucked anyone over 30 or id be the first. not sure if this is some sting some chick joking sround pulling my chains or if hes legit yet. but she did send me her pic and looks fine or descent but thinks shes ufly or not good looking apparently. she also daid shes willing to take it up the ass but depends as it hurts sometimes or what mood shes in.
  2. #2
    26 about to turn does that happen?
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