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how many of you ever met like a manipulator

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    whether it is a sexual manipulator or manipulator to get money out of you or your trust inrealized theyre similar. like the way they tslk is they smile and sort of trest everything you say as a joke with a condenscending or patrionizing you answer. for instance if thst 17 yr old ukrianian girl said oh i can just make something up on you after i told her thwt shes legsl age for sex a guy whose a manipulator would just schrug and smile and say but why would you do thatz. like the answer would be so plain and not interesting but he would do it like with a confidence and a smile. any of you met guys like this? when i was in prison some older gay guys or lifers would try manipulating me or pressuring me or just simply acting this way.
  2. #2
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    their game works by exploiting your desire for their approval.

    don't give them that power.
  3. #3
    Originally posted by aldra their game works by exploiting your desire for their approval.

    don't give them that power.

    if you have gained access to pussy by any means other than rape, then you too is a someone who lives by earning vaginal approvals.
  4. #4
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny if you have gained access to pussy by any means other than rape, then you too is a someone who lives by earning vaginal approvals.

    every interaction is transactional to some degree; it's up to you to decide whether the cost is worth what you get in return
  5. #5
    Originally posted by aldra every interaction is transactional to some degree; it's up to you to decide whether the cost is worth what you get in return

    The total obliviousness of male feminists is remarkable. Imagine saying “I’m better than you because I behave in a way women approve of.”

    This is what you’re saying when you brag about “getting laid for free.” Male feminists are worms, they are very slow and simple, but they do understand this, and they think it’s good. They are proud that women approve of their behavior and claim that they are rewarded by their vaginal masters with sex (whether they actually get that reward or not is irrelevant).

    Women are not going up to men and just stripping down and offering up their pussy. That’s not happening in real life. So if you are literally going around bragging about how you “don’t pay for it,” what you’re saying is that you spent 6-10 hours putting on a show and listening to some stupid whore talk.

    How much money is your time worth, bro? 6-10 hours of your life is worth less than the cost of a hooker? You’re so proud of that fact that you go around bragging about it on the internet? You actually try to shame men who refuse to perform for women?

    Frankly, you’re worse than the sluts themselves. You’re a pathetic faggot, you worship pussy because you crave mommy’s attention. You lust after mommy’s approval. You need that pat on the head like a junkie needs dope. You judge yourself and other men by women’s approval. You’re a broken wretch, a slave, a worm. You’ve sold out your masculinity, you’ve sold your dignity, you’ve sold your basic self-respect. You are a failed man and you’re so cartoonishly pitiful that you’re actually proud of this fact and you go around bragging about it.

    I can’t even begin to imagine what it is like to be so low. Why don’t you try dealing with your issues with your real mommy, and see if you can salvage some shred of dignity?


    The relevance of the “you can’t get laid” insult is the reason they throw out this insult in the first place: male feminists put much weight on women’s approval, and denounce men who do not strive for women’s approval. The relevance of this is: these men have what are called “mommy issues.” They were held hostage by empowered women as children, and their entire existence as a young child was dependent on their ability to earn approval from women. They take that woman pleaser identity into adulthood, and it takes the form of trying to get laid as a way to gain approval.

    It is not about the sex. If it was about the sex, they would not talk against prostitution, which is what anyone who is horny going to go for, unless they have a need for approval.

    These broken shell of men will say “I want her to like me.” If it is about sex, why would you care if she likes you? It does not follow logically. A good hooker is paid to like you.

    To be clear: I have been open about the fact that I’ve visited prostitutes at various points in my life. This is shameful insofar as any sex outside of marriage is shameful, but my assertion is that it is much less shameful than going around trying to “get laid for free.” It is extremely telling that this is used as an insult. It explains everything about male feminism – the fact that they think this is an insult, that they assume that everyone else will view it as an insult. Because they never overcame childhood trauma, they live in a reality where existence is based on female approval, and they are unable to comprehend a reality in which men do not care about female approval. When I stand up against women, I become the ultimate enemy. Neo-Nazis speak worse about me than the jedis do. These people are seething.

    To further clarify about the way the casual sex culture works:

    It’s been a long time, but I was young and horny once, and I did spend time with women who are not hookers due to the culture I grew up in (where there weren’t any hookers due to feminism).

    No one “gets laid for free.” It’s a myth. People get laid because they please women. There is no such thing as “seduction.” Women know a lot more about sex than men, because a woman’s entire existence is based on who she has sex with. Anyone who has ever been around women, who is not in a state of denial, understands all of this.

    When you “get laid for free,” what you’ve done is convince the woman that you deserve her approval. This is the basis of everything men with mommy syndrome do. They get tattoos, they go to the gym, they engage with fashion, they develop a fake personality that they call “beta” – all with the aim of “getting laid for free.” These men shape their entire lives around getting approval from women.

    In order to actually have sex with a woman “for free,” you have to spend multiple hours – on average, between 6 and 10 – putting on a show for a woman. You have to entertain her like a dancing monkey. There is nothing at all pleasant about a woman’s company. They are stupid and very uninteresting. The only men who legitimately enjoy women’s company are homosexuals. Therefore, the sex is only free if you are working for free, because putting on this performance for some stupid bitch is grueling work.

    I am denouncing all of this. Women are controlling men in this society, and these poor faggots I quote-tweeted have internalized female oppression. They identify with women, because they have not broken out of the situation they were in as children.

    It’s all very straightforward and simple to understand, but it takes a bit to unpack, because no one but me talks about it.

    i cant say hes wrong.
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