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Poll: Why am I such a fuck up?

  • Alcoholism
  • Homosexuality
  • Childhood sex Abuse
  • I just needed the money.

I'm debating throwing a bullet at my weiner.

  1. #1
    Bradley Florida Man
    Folks its really hard being so unsuccessful.

    Haven't talked to my mom in two weeks. Haven't talked to fucking really anyone except my Third in Command who I live with. I'm applying for a group home (LOL) but chiefly I kinda just wanna say it's really hard being me.

    So I thought about going to the bar today, realized wow I have been drinking a lot. So I didn't. Kinda wanna get drunk but not drinking.

    I drank a whole pitcher of margaritas and passed out, pissed I don't really remember it.

    This beautiful sweedish girl from the bar added me on facedbook, told me she's single, wants me to come to the tavern, i'm like OK

    so I made a grindr account when I was really drunk the other day. 14 fucking horny dudes tryna get plowed & 2 trannys.

    So I"m like OK. HoweverI know this is bad to say, I'm kinda lazy with meeting new people. and by lazy i mean I don't want to.

    Also if I go meet up with some fag I'm probably gonna be doing a lot of tweak (which I don't think will help me)

    P.S. I'm not gonna shoot myself in the dick.
  2. #2
    cigreting Dark Matter
    me cum n ur gramps but 4 fun fgt
  3. #3
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Bradley P.S. I'm not gonna shoot myself in the dick.

    I've been tricked
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Yah bradley wot gives? No bullet in ur peepee? I thlught this was gonna be bradleys take on pain olympics but yet we have another thread of bradley manifesting his future.

    Remember those like 2 months u dud goid brad and how u were talking and thinking? You did good because of your thoughts which lead to actions. Telling urself oh i wanna drink or i dont wanna drink is gonna keep u in the rut.

    Tell urself 'i want a car and a home and whatever else and im willing to do whatever it takes to get these!'(besides crime u dumby) and it will manifest

    Read the book 'The Secret' its a really gopd intro into manifesting ur destiny and is a good easy intro into 'magick' and other things having to do with energy and thoughts and similsr sheeeiiit

    Ya feel me knucka?
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