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now she just wants to be friends guys

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    and claims that its better thsn nothing st sll rightz. thet was her repsonse when i said too bad. now im asking how come. it seems i will never fuck a teenage girl this rate like i should just take the risk and pay for it. but its so fucked up because 17 is old and almost gull adult and its legal way above aoc laws and i csnt even get that. how come? oh and she claims she wasnt playing with herself just must have had a bad dream.
  2. #2
    Sounds like she was disappointed you hid in the other room.
  3. #3
    cigreting Dark Matter
  4. #4
    Imagine after MONTHS / YEARS of obsessing over fucking a teenager (legal in Poland fuys) and you finally get one voluntarily in your bed making moaning sounds...and you spend the whole time in the other room debating with yourself and online what you should do about it...and then do nothing.

    😂 😂 😂

    KYS - it's the only remaining option for salvation.
  5. #5
    have you talked to her mom.
  6. #6
    cigreting Dark Matter
    have u talkd to her granps
    id be willing to bet u have better chances with him
  7. #7
    Imagine fuys, that fresh budding dripping young pussy just waiting for a tongue to come into the room and lick it/fill it and instead Wariat's in the other room logged on to NIS asking what he should do.
  8. #8
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    i just got done talking to this chick and boy shes unstable mentally. she claims she would have to know me like six months before even starting to date than said something like i could just lie to police and put case on you thwt you rwped me or something when i told her i wanted exactly girl her age or above legal for sex age in poland but below 28 so its fine the age diff with me. like she wanted me to just sgree with her to be some chump who wpends money on her eith no benefits and basically i told her i was older thwn 27 or not my true age but she thinks im 30 now but either eay she still eants to be friends and i told her ill have to think about it because you seem rewl volatile trying to contorl me or thresten to extort me if i dont go your way. i also told her in poland its also illegsl to lie on so eone or put case on because they will put case on you for it if they think youre making it up or it is later proven which is true. funny thing she gave heart ifons to me ssying this like she gets it maybe.
  9. #9
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I guess you can say wariat has a RUFF night
  10. #10
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Wariat i just got done talking to this chick and boy shes unstable mentally. she claims she would have to know me like six months before even starting to date than said something like i could just lie to police and put case on you thwt you rwped me or something when i told her i wanted exactly girl her age or above legal for sex age in poland but below 28 so its fine the age diff with me. like she wanted me to just sgree with her to be some chump who wpends money on her eith no benefits and basically i told her i was older thwn 27 or not my true age but she thinks im 30 now but either eay she still eants to be friends and i told her ill have to think about it because you seem rewl volatile trying to contorl me or thresten to extort me if i dont go your way. i also told her in poland its also illegsl to lie on so eone or put case on because they will put case on you for it if they think youre making it up or it is later proven which is true. funny thing she gave heart ifons to me ssying this like she gets it maybe.

    all women are mentally unstable, is this your first time talking to one or what
  11. #11
    Bradley Florida Man
    I can explain where yopure fucking uyp.
  12. #12
    Ghost Black Hole
    all bark no bite
  13. #13
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    ok she just messaged me many times ssying that she wante to go to that ukrianian club tomorrow and asked if she csn sleep over again. but vo tinued to say were just friends.
  14. #14
    Ghost Black Hole
    I would reply "sorry, I don't want friends" and then play minecraft all night instead

    fuck her
  15. #15
    Ghost Black Hole
    play gaMES with me bitch I got better games to play lol

  16. #16
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  17. #17
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    i told her i really want to have sex with 16-17 yr olds right now but only because or my age if i was young i wouldnt want to or care or want olde bitches. it only turns me on due to the age diff kr taboo factor.
  18. #18
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat 6-17 yr olds right now
  19. #19
    Ghost Black Hole
    dog yeArs I hope
  20. #20
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    typo. fixed.
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