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Fuck sake god damnit my super strength is fading

  1. #1
    Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
    The pixies and angels are slowly taking it back away

    Just my luck, I was gonna take you all on at the same time in an arm wrestle

    It wasnt even a dream god had me made super strong for something important but I forgot to do it
  2. #2
    Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
    Ok Im just gonna swim to the toilet and back

    Did you know, the breast form of excercise at home besides burpees is pretend swimming

    You might look like a spaz doing air breaststrokes but it makes you super duper strong like a real spaz

    Besides using any mechanical exercise equipment that is

    So you can do them any time, anywhere

    I like to do them when taking (having)? a shit
  3. #3
    Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
  4. #4
    Bradley Black Hole
    ya i didnt know dat
  5. #5
  6. #6
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
  7. #7
    Donald Trump Black Hole

    Try Anthro-Plex from, remember to tell them Don sent you so I can get my referral money.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #8
    Originally posted by Grylls The pixies and angels are slowly taking it back away

    Just my luck, I was gonna take you all on at the same time in an arm wrestle

    It wasnt even a dream god had me made super strong for something important but I forgot to do it

    Old age be upon you.
  9. #9
    cigreting Dark Matter
    ur granpsapsa strok me brets wen me sukn hees muste coknut harie bols faget
  10. #10
    whats with all these candyrein-tier threads lately.
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