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The Canadian government recently decided they are going to pay for assisted suicide for mental derelicts, as well as physical ones...

  1. #21
    Originally posted by Ghost that's just the first I thought of, CAn"T GO WRONG WITH A WHEEL GUN

    *black thug slides you the extended mag chrome* YEAH WHEEL AINT HOLD 14 NEITHER

    oh yeah, punk? it can hold as much as I can carry

    Hold my beer...

  2. #22
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

    Cope. They already put a flag up you nincompoop.

    You idiots never change. smh
  3. #23
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    "They won't last long" indeed. It's already been, what, almost 80 years for the UN? Definitely just a fad. And that's just the liberal democratic capitalist 'rules based global order' version of globalism. The First International is like 150 years old. This sentiment isn't going anywhere.

    I don't get nationalists. I mean, I get the merits of nationalism, but I don't understand this flavor of nationalist which is completely blind to the inevitability of globalism and seemingly ignorant of how so-called "nations" even come into being. Do you know why the Risorgimento succeeded? Italian national consciousness. Which basically didn't exist before the 19th century. It was an entirely artificial thing, a product which had to be manufactured into existence. Terran global consciousness is (was) the same way. Intentionally manufacturing it at scale may have been a pipe dream 40 years ago, but we live in the information age. We have the internet. And this Terran consciousness has been growing in earnest, unchecked for over a decade (it's been growing for a lot longer than that as mentioned, but the advent of social media really sealed the deal for you chucklefucks). You literally cannot stop it. Do you think every person within the geographic area today known as "Italy" supported unification? Felt "Italian"? Fuck no. There were people like you. It still happened, just like it will again.

    You are doomed. Nation states are doomed. And you need to accept it. Swallow the fucking blackpill.
  4. #24
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by cigreting If they didnt share a boarder with the usa they would have been conquered long ago.
    Fucking pussys

    you coulnd't conquer your own mental demons, incel
  5. #25
    Originally posted by Meikai "They won't last long" indeed. It's already been, what, almost 80 years for the UN? Definitely just a fad. And that's just the liberal democratic capitalist 'rules based global order' version of globalism. The First International is like 150 years old. This sentiment isn't going anywhere.

    I don't get nationalists. I mean, I get the merits of nationalism, but I don't understand this flavor of nationalist which is completely blind to the inevitability of globalism and seemingly ignorant of how so-called "nations" even come into being. Do you know why the Risorgimento succeeded? Italian national consciousness. Which basically didn't exist before the 19th century. It was an entirely artificial thing, a product which had to be manufactured into existence. Terran global consciousness is (was) the same way. Intentionally manufacturing it at scale may have been a pipe dream 40 years ago, but we live in the information age. We have the internet. And this Terran consciousness has been growing in earnest, unchecked for over a decade (it's been growing for a lot longer than that as mentioned, but the advent of social media really sealed the deal for you chucklefucks). You literally cannot stop it. Do you think every person within the geographic area today known as "Italy" supported unification? Felt "Italian"? Fuck no. There were people like you. It still happened, just like it will again.

    You are doomed. Nation states are doomed. And you need to accept it. Swallow the fucking blackpill.

    No, their end really is near. All indications point to it.
  6. #26
    Ghost Black Hole
    I think they should all shut the fuck up and go make cocaine legal, cut some fucking tape IC CAN'T BREATHE!! I CANT BREATHE!!!

  7. #27
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    American consciousness had to be invented too. Painstakingly, through a masterfully crafted and disseminated national mythology of righteous rebels liberating themselves from monarchical oppression. Canadian national consciousness? Ha. It is so flimsy that one could fairly say it never even finished forming, and that without extensive intervention it could vanish almost overnight - subsumed by the far more vast, and far superior culture of America. This is undeniable fact. Indeed, it is the entire raison d'être for "Canadian Content" laws like the proposed C-11 - they are the legislative gavage by which our government hopes to sustain "Canadian-ness" for just one more day, every day, in perpetuity.

    There is no such thing as a nation. They are memetic lifeforms. A semi-complex set of ideas we invented. And as is also true for biological lifeforms made from the genes for which memes are named, they are subject to the laws of evolution - survival of the fittest, natural selection. You cannot simply will nation states from the brink of extinction, any more than one could have willed the dodo from its ignominious fate. And that is where nation states are: on the brink, or rapidly approaching it. I would not be surprised if I lived to see global unification, and I'm not the kind of person who expects to live another 60 years.
  8. #28
    "While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape."

    ~ Jesus
  9. #29
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    What you see: the 'rules based international order' is falling apart, and when it dies globalism will die with it

    What they'll see: my national government is falling apart, they can't even supply consistent electricity or keep food on the shelves at my local grocery store

    They will be looking for someone to blame, and they're going to pick the guys they entrusted to run the country. They aren't going to connect it with "globalism" - to most people, globalism is nothing more than a far right bogeyman. It's like a more tame version of the NWO, or the illuminati. Not quite associated with full-blown schizophrenia, but close.

    They will be crying out for salvation.

    And Klaus Schwab, not Jesus, will be there to deliver it.
  10. #30
    "Yoo vill owen nutting, unt yoo vill bee hapee."
  11. #31
    WellHung Black Hole
  12. #32
    Canadian doctors are now being instructed by the College of Physicians to proactively offer euthanasia approval for issues such as mental illness. The patient doesn't even need to inquire anymore. The doctor will be pushing it as standard operating procure, and totally billable.
  13. #33
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Canadian doctors are now being instructed by the College of Physicians to proactively offer euthanasia approval for issues such as mental illness. The patient doesn't even need to inquire anymore. The doctor will be pushing it as standard operating procure, and totally billable.

    That's a beautiful thing. To sanction is to save.
  14. #34
    Patient: "Doctor... I've been dealing with a lot of depression and anxiety lately."
    Doctor: "Have you considered killing yourself?"
    Patient: "Hell, yeah!"
    Doctor: "That's fine. I can have the paperwork ready in a few hours and we can get you in on Monday of next week at 7am."
    (Federal Billing Code was "6-6-6")
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #35
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Patient: "Doctor… I've been dealing with a lot of depression and anxiety lately."
    Doctor: "Have you considered killing yourself?"
    Patient: "Hell, yeah!"
    Doctor: "That's fine. I can have the paperwork ready in a few hours and we can get you in on Monday of next week at 7am."
    (Federal Billing Code was "6-6-6")

  16. #36
    Ghost Black Hole
    what a boring and stale thread
  17. #37
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by Ghost I only participate in transactional relationships.
  18. #38
    UNSUB Tuskegee Airman [my unrivalled skillful mastoid]
    You are overly sensitive to intrusive/threatening behaviour, and your lack of strong self-boundaries makes it frustratingly difficult to feel secure when others are imposing. Your walls are weak, so you fawn to your invaders, or you flee - there is no in between.

    People are unpredictable, prone to becoming animalistic and self-preserving in times of stress, and at the expense of those around them. No one can be trusted when a feral ego exists inside everyone. Animals are more comforting for this reason - they don’t masquerade as a civilised, rational creature. Their feral egos are a given. They’re in touch with their survival mode.

    At least this is how I think. Even if it’s true, I ‘manage’ it by avoidance. I fail to form satisfying, healthy relationships. I fail to understand my own needs and desires. I fail to experience what the physical world has to offer, as I live inside the security of my head. I’m a hypocrite - an animal in survival mode, attempting to rationalise my fears by blacklisting my entire species. That sounds pretty ‘disordered’ to me.
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