Also if some shit meltdown happens, the USA and Britain might be too spread thinly to aid Australia and NZ from a massive China Invasion. they might even take over Pine Gap.
Vanity music is shit. its just audio filters like AutoTune and some reverb magic and synth pop mixed in. pretty face, half decent voice and you're a star these days.
Unlike the days where people took years in perfecting their instrument skills from school to home garage/studio and then experimenting or rolling with the vibe or genre that music was in its day.
today it's just repetitive shit and booty bouncing. rap never changes out. its the same shit it was 20 fucking years ago. only early Rap music before Ganster rap was different. bubble-gum shit but it was usually more enjoyable than shit today.
R&B? thats what you call it. No, Motown and Funk and Soul were R&B they were subsets of R&B, not this overkill of 'a piacere' (various off rhythm expressions) style that is abused to the general rule of making music. 'affetto' (with anguish or emotion)
She's different. she's an 80s child. she started at age 16 around 1986 in a Ska Band. She is well loved and still makes great music and honestly should be teaching younger singers how to properly learn how to create different structures and knit them together so they flow
I understand that only so many combinations in notes exists and people get sued for what they think is original. I think these lawsuits are out of control.
If its obviously ripped off then yes but I'v heard shit that doesn't sound anything close to it except maybe a tempo style.
I dont have any examples but lawyers find all kinds of reasons to sue another artist. and it should be laxed a bit so others can use similar patterns and same key structures to make their own.
but overall I think younger MOON PERSON and now Zoomers are just lazy and try and simplify dance style music and yet making MON-NAY off of a few hit singles.