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" Was that your gun "private message from 22sondersonerthegrippydonor

  1. #1
    Ghost Black Hole
    Was that your gun

    To: Ghost
    From: slide22
    Sent: 2022-10-11 at 1:55 PM EDT
    Did you fire off 9 rounds the other night?
    You think I'm intimidated

    why does he/she/gay know what i think
  2. #2
    Ghost Black Hole
    To: Ghost
    From: slide22
    Sent: 2022-10-11 at 2 PM EDT

    Originally posted by Ghost
    take ur meds seek therapy

    That was you Wigger because you're piggy backing my ip router.
    I thought you might have some connection to nirvananet but never asked you in the elevator.

    I aint white nigga!
  3. #3
    Ghost Black Hole
    what sa nirvananet is that like what kurt cobrian used for fishing?
  4. #4
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Ghost
    excuse me sir but do I know you

    i don't believe we have met and you don't know anything about me as I am an anonymous person on the internet. I advise you seek medical attention for your mental delusion s

    You guys are playing carousel with one another's accounts. I'm hip, G

    "Yous guys"

    which ones

    i'm not even realllllly here real hee
  5. #5
    Ghost Black Hole
    To: Ghost
    From: slide22
    Sent: 2022-10-11 at 4:31 PM EDT

    Originally posted by Ghost
    i am not "yuy guys" unless you mean my plurals

    stop bothering me with your delusionsal fantasy and seek help

    Stop being anti-sociable and anti-Semitic with your screaming of killing a jedi out the window. I haven't raised a jedi, I'm a Christian. And to say you're going to FUCKING MURDER ME" out the window.. just suddenly and quickly and then I hear you roaming around the floor or hallways. IM NOT FUCKING WITH YOU. I GOT A LOT ON MY FUCKING PLATE. You fucking On the Payroll whatever.

    Tri-Can much?

    lo lwahat

  6. #6
    Ghost Black Hole
    To: Ghost
    From: slide22
    Sent: 2022-10-11 at 5:38 PM EDT

    Originally posted by Ghost
    I don't care lol , sounds fun or i'm sorry or whatever idk i didn't really read

    my eyes glazed over

    let me know if you have anything useful to say, actually, don't bother


    lol get owned libtard nice tears fuck brandon joe ufuck fuck fuckhim or her!!!
  7. #7
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Ghost
    Name the venue and time good sir

    I will split your back rack like sharing a loaf of bread. HERE AND NOW MOTHA FUCKAAAAAA

    I dont remember what I sent yup makes total and sense if anyone here speaks retard would love your thoughts, with heart of iron
    your pie in skie arnie doesn't fits you
  8. #8
    Kafka sweaty
    You need to do a confessions of a meth addict book
  9. #9
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka You need to do a confessions of a meth addict book

    confession "I watched a lot of really weird porn and did more meth"

    for about 1000 pages

    I laughed, I cried, I did meth, I cummed
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