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The DOJ is pushing back against Trump's claim the FBI planted evidence at Mar-a-Lago, as he comes under pressure to provide evidence

  1. #1
    Truth Details Tuskegee Airman (banned)

    In a filing Tuesday, the DOJ more broadly challenged Trump to back his arguments with evidence in a filing on delays in digitizing records to be turned over to Dearie.

    "Plaintiff will need to participate in the process by categorizing documents and providing sworn declarations as the Amended Case Management Plan contemplates," the DOJ's attorneys write.

    Trump, his allies, and some of his attorneys have for weeks in media interviews been pushing the conspiracy theory that evidence was planted at Mar-a-Lago. The former president has sought to portray the raid as part of a political witch hunt against him.

    But his lawyers have notably not made this argument in court, where knowingly presenting false claims can be punished. They have also not presented evidence for his claim that he declassified swaths of top secret documents retrieved by the FBI in the search.

    Trump's lawyers went to court to get the appointment of a special master in the case, which delayed the FBI's probe. But some legal experts have said the move appears to have backfired, with Dearie exposing flaws and inconsistencies in the defenses mounted by Trump and his lawyers.
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