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  1. #1
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
  2. #2
    Steven African Astronaut

     Jeff's BBS Review
     Developed by Jeff Hunter
    & the Temple of the Screaming Electron 510/935-5845
    NIRVANAnet(tm) 9:900/2 / Fidonet 1:161/211 / PuppyNet 1:900/1
     Last Updated: 09/17/92

    This listing is produced by & the Temple of the Screaming Electron BBS.
    It may be copied and distributed as long as no changes are made to the list.

    There are many lists of bulletin boards available. However, since there are
    so many systems on-line, it is sometimes impossible to find the few quality
    systems that exist without dialing hundreds of numbers. Numbers that often
    have nothing to offer. This review should help to reduce the scope of the
    problem by providing a short description of each BBS reviewed, so that BBSers
    can call the systems that offer what they want.

    So that the Screaming Electron can accomplish other things besides just
    generating BBS Reviews, the BBS Review is implemented as a distributed
    questionnaire. What this means is that you can fill out the questionnaire on
    a number of different bulletin boards, and your answers will eventually end
    up in the BBS Review. The BBS Systems that currently have the BBS Review are:

    BBS Name Phone Baud Type Location

    &TOTSE 510-935-5845 9600 RA 1.11+ Walnut Creek, CA
    KnowledgeMatters 510-935-4878 9600 RA 1.11+ Walnut Creek, CA
    Lies Unlimited 415-583-4102 2400 RA 1.11+ South San Francisco

    For PHONE NUMBER CHANGES and BBS DELETIONS, leave E-Mail for Jeff Hunter
    at & the Temple of the Screaming Electron.

    Reviews that are more than six months old are automatically deleted.
    This keeps old numbers from staying around for years and years, and
    insures that BBSes which change over time get fresh reviews periodically.

    BBS entries are keyed by phone number. You can change ANY review at ANY
    time by simply answering the questionnaire again using the same phone

    If you are interested in running the BBS Review on your BBS System, contact
    Jeff Hunter at & the Temple of the Screaming Electron, or download the file
    BBSREVSY.ZIP (The BBS Review Sysop Pack) from &TOTSE.

    BBS Name Phone Baud Type Location

    BBSes in the 031 Area Code:

    Utopia 031206273860 38400 TELEGARD Amsterdam, Holland
     Hack/Phreak related bbs, 2 giga online.... usenet mail, uucp mail
     etc etc. Reviewed by: Mr.Miracle on 04/20/92 @ &TOTSE

    BBSes in the 046 Area Code:

    Bermuda Triangle 046-87988898 38400 SBBS Stockholm, Sweden
     It's a 24 hour board, 1.3 Gb online. Reviewed by: Zak on 03/19/92 @

    FarSide 046-46126516 14400 STARNER Lund, Sweden
     Hello! Why not call a Swedish board? A nice place with strange
     language strange Swedish files. Too bad. But if you're a Swede, feel
     welcome! Reviewed by: Jompa on 03/23/92 @ &TOTSE

    The Stash 046498222113 14400 TELEGARD Sweden
     Textfiler's Heaven. Over 5700+ Textfiles Online, very sorted
     sections, so you'll find what you're looking for fast. Home of uXu,
     and dist for cDc. Reviewed by: Info Addict on 06/24/92 @ &TOTSE

    BBSes in the 061 Area Code:

    Oasys 061-222-1092 14400 PCBOARD Brasilia-DF
     24hs - 2Gb - Closed

    BBSes in the 201 Area Code:

    CRaCK HouSe 201-804-3943 2400 PROLOGIN Lyndhurst, NJ
     16o Megz Of Hack/Phreak/Carding/Virus/Scams/Anarchy/Etc. SysOp:
     No Name Brand. E-Mail (InterNet). Reviewed
     by: No Name Brand on 03/19/92 @ &TOTSE

    BBSes in the 205 Area Code:

    ParkTown 205-272-4077 2400 TELEGARD Montgomery,Al
     Good bbs specializing in text files. Reviewed by: Macho Man on
     06/25/92 @ &TOTSE

    BBSes in the 206 Area Code:

    Acid Bath 206-456-2725 2400 WC3.0 Lacey, WA
     200Mb Files, 29 Message conferences, Open to the Public, Member of
     PuppyNet Easy No-Hassle access, Est-23 Feb '91, Dedicated in respect
     to the Individual human mind. Reviewed by: Techno Punk on 03/09/92 @

    Crystal Mountain 206-866-3621 9600 RA Evergreen-Oly, WA
     A board for cultural exchange. Reviewed by: Dogen on 03/12/92 @

    Hotel Chelsea 206-432-6904 2400 TGRD Maple Valley, Wa
     Great Guitar Tablature section, MIDI, miscellaneous text files and
     message bases concerning the not-so-legal things about computers.
     Reviewed by: Jello Biafra on 07/13/92 @ &TOTSE

    The Quarto Mundista BBS 206-786-9629 9600 RA Olympia, WA
     The Quarto Mundista BBS is a text file based board affiliated with
     the Center For World Indigenous Studies. The board is an
     informational service provided to Indian Nations and interested
     individuals free of charge. We have 8.5 megs of text files online
     on Indigenous Issues, and Fido and ICDM message bases. Reviewed by:
     John Burrows on 08/03/92 @ &TOTSE

    Sacred Grove 206-634-1980 2400 MAXIMUS Seattle, WA
     The Sacred Grove is a Pagan-orientated BBS run for the benefit of
     the Neo-Pagan and Occult communities. It has over 80 message areas
     dealing with various aspects of religion, magic, and the occult and
     an extensive library of files online. It has been up since 1990.
     Reviewed by: Grendel on 03/09/92 @ &TOTSE

    BBSes in the 207 Area Code:

    The Candle Light 207-897-6036 2400 SPITFIRE Augusta, Maine
     LOTS of DOORS, anarchy files, upon request. Some files. Check it out.
     Reviewed by: Rhad Davis on 08/10/92 @ KnowledgeMatters

    BBSes in the 208 Area Code:

    Norad 208-322-7912 2400 TGRD Boise, Id
     It has over 100 megs of files, the message section is fairly active
     with enjoyable conversation here and there. It has been up for just
     a month or so, but has become a good BBS in that time. Reviewed by:
     The Ice Efreeti on 06/11/92 @ &TOTSE

    Panic Zone 208-362-9607 2400 TG 2.7 Boise, ID
     CALL US...WE ARE INTERESTING.... dOn'T be AfRaID! Reviewed by:
     Velvet Shark on 08/10/92 @ &TOTSE

    Woodpecker From Mars 208-378-9616 2400 WWIV Boise, Id
     24 Hrs. a day, 2400 baud, etc... This board was in the review
     before, but was listed as not up yet. Well, the board has gone up
     early. I am attempting to become a center for text files in my area
     (another &TOTSE). Reviewed by: Moose on 08/10/92 @ &TOTSE

    BBSes in the 212 Area Code:

    PoSt MoRtEm 212-744-7269 9600 SF New York City, NY
     Anyone can enjoy Post Mortem. Cool messaging, and stuff for
     eliters, and non-eliters. 200megs online space is available. We are
     relatively new, and would appreciate your call. --CoMaToSe Sysop.
     Reviewed by: Comatose on 04/09/92 @ &TOTSE

    BBSes in the 214 Area Code:

    Palindrome 214-437-2734 9600 MAXIMUS Richardson, TX
     A BBS dedicated to fiction writers, with special interest groups for
     fantasy and SF novelists? Yes! We're up all night bringing you
     Fido, Echonet, FurNET! Role-playing games-by-message, ham radio, &
     food! ALL-NUDE<g> partying on the Front Porch (not adult, just
     whimsy.) The disk is always spinning..... Reviewed by: Cowtown Lady
     on 04/09/92 @ &TOTSE

    BBSes in the 304 Area Code:

    AIS BBS 304-420-6083 2400 RA Parkersburg, WV
     This is a bbs for computer security run by the Department of
     Treasury Bureau of the Public, AIS Security Branch. We have
     underground files and a myraid of other security files. Everyone
     welcome. Access to underground files must be asked for, no big
     deal, just gotta ask. Reviewed by: Kim Clancy on 08/10/92 @ &TOTSE

    BBSes in the 305 Area Code:

    Demented Space 305-893-4886 2400 TELEGARD Miami, FL
     It is up 24 hours. I am the co-sysop. It has NPD files and text
     files. Reviewed by: Eerie Smith on 03/05/92 @ &TOTSE

    FLoATinG pAncREas 305-551-0311 14400 TAG 2.6 MiamI, FL
     SouTH FLoRiDa's LArGesT TFiLe/ZinE eXcHAnGE. 4ooo+ TFiLes OnLinE.
     HoMe oF THe FLoaTing pANCreaS GuYs, THosE WaCKy GoDs OF THe AnSi
     EDiTor. oNLinE ReLiGioUs TeXT ADvEnTurE, coMPLeTeLy RaNDoM-DaDA
     mEsSaGEs maKinG iT DiFFerENT EvERy TimE. WoRTH THe CALL... +FpG+.
     Reviewed by: Majestic Cockster on 04/27/92 @ &TOTSE

    BBSes in the 310 Area Code:

    Albert Hoffman BBS 310-315-0484
     Drug and psychedelia text files. Reviewed by: Jeff Hunter on
     05/18/92 @ &TOTSE

    BBSes in the 313 Area Code:

    Amiga Shareware HQ 313-473-2020 2400 FREEFORM Livonia, MI
     Amiga only. 400 megs of files. 2300 users. 200 msg areas. 5000
     files. Reviewed by: Bill Allen on 07/11/92 @ &TOTSE

    Into the Night 313-647-2736 2400 TELEGARD Bloomfield Hills, M
     Open 24 hours, echomail, open to the public, in operation for a few
     months now, and people should call because we have the newest warez
     in the area! We have 135 megs of files, and the message bases are
     doing very well... Reviewed by: The Mystique on 10/28/91 @ &TOTSE

    BBSes in the 317 Area Code:

    mdbs BBS #1 317-447-6685 2400 OPUS Lafayette, IN
     BBS for KnowledgeMan and Guru developers.

    mdbs BBS #2 317-448-4235 2400 OPUS Lafayette, IN
     BBS for mdbsIV and Object/1 developers.

    BBSes in the 404 Area Code:

    The Stupid Computer BBS 404-876-0422 2400 WILDCAT! Atlanta, GA
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    ݱ28 Dec 89±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±_ROR_-_ALUCARD_±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±Ý? Þ°
    Ý Ý A Þ°
    Ý How To Make A Ý ?Þ°
    Ý GREEN GLACIER Ice-Water Bong A ßßßßß°
    Ý Tfile Þ°
    Ý Invented By: Doctor Murdock Distribution Þ°
    ÜÜÜÜÜ Centere Þ°
    Ý? Þ - RoR - Þ°
    Ý A Þ_____________________________________________________________________Þ°
    Ý ?Þ Shawn-Da-Lay Boy Productions, Inc.úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúÞ°
    °°°The Pirates' Hollow - 415/236/2371°°The Electric Pub - 415/236/4380°°°°
    °Primary Drop Sites°°°°°°Rat Head - 415/524/3649°°°°°Primary Drop Sites°°°

    First off I'm sure some of you have done this before...if
    you are TRUE visitors of Else. Basically, this is a simple enhancement Flask
    bong. [BASICALLY?? Shit...I put a LOT of work into this!!! ;)]
    If not....that's ok. There's still hope for you, yet.

    Special thanks to: Pressed Rat, RatSnatcher, & Sir Death for
    mind melds. And Space Ace for the BEST Christmas gift
    you could get from someone you've never met. Shroom On!


    1] A 2 Liter enhancement Flask (note: A enhancement Flask is different from a regular
    Flask. If you buy this, specify enhancement
    Flask. The easiest way to get this flask
    is by calling up your local Chemical
    warehouse. But brand new these fuckers
    cost about $66.00! But hey....small price
    to pay for a Green Glacier, right?
    If you live in the Bay Area, this is where
    I got mine:

    1101 Fifth Street
    Berkeley, Ca 94710
    Phone (415) 526-3141

    2] About 2 feet of 1/2 clear hose (You can easily find this at your local
    hardware store.)

    3] A cork that fits the top of the Flask (Go get the flask first and THEN
    go to the hardware store. )

    4] A Bowl and Piping (Now go to your nearest Head Shop and pick up a Bowl
    and some bong piping. About 10" of piping. Sometimes
    they only sell the piping in about 4" sizes at the
    largest. Such was the case with I super
    glued two together. Or, you can find a better Head
    Shop or make due with what ya got.... RoR, man...

    5] Some Green Food Coloring

    6] Some water, ice, and the killer weed!


    Now...take the cork plug and drill a hole through the center, wide
    enough so that the piping fits through it, tightly. Now place the Bowl on the
    piping and then stick the other end of the piping through the hole in the
    cork. Make it a fairly tight fit.

    Connect the hose.

    Drop about 6 or 7 cubes of ice into the flask and fill it with water to
    about 1800ml. My flask only marks measurements up to 1600, such may be the
    case with yours, so here again...make due. Now put about 4 or 5 drops of
    the green coloring fluid into the water in the flask. This gives it that eery
    Green Glacier Look!! And when your stoned you should read the letters:


    floating amoungst the green liquid. As you are reading these letters you will
    have a momentary flash of Ultimate Wisdom in your mind. This is not
    coincidental! But unfortunatly, we are still a very primitive race and can not
    yet have or even see Ultimate Wisdom. That's MY theory anyway. Nevertheless..
    you WILL see Ultimate Wisdom....go for it man....check it out!
    And if you see Alice on your journeys....tell Her I said Hi, would ya?

    Put the piping and cork plug through the top of the flask and press down
    until the cork seals the flask off. Airtight, eh?

    Now, Burn, baby, BURN!


    Now, in case you can't figure out the purpose of this little device...
    don't fear because I am here to explain. put some of the killer
    weed in the bowl (did I forget to mention to get screens? No...I assumed your
    not THAT lame...), and light up. Inhale from the end of the hose and the
    smoke will go down through the piping and into the water in bubbles.
    (Important Part here) It will then travel up to the surface in Ice Cold water
    therefor cooling the smoke and when it gets to the surface it's fairly cool.
    Then it goes through the enhancement on the side of the flask and enters your
    system, and then soaks into your brain cells and registers a One-Way Ticket to
    The Land of Else! Which no mortal man can deny! Anyway, the main purpose of
    this baby is to get the smoke cooler so that it goes down easy and takes the
    rasp out of it. So you can hold the smoke in longer and send your brain a
    nice surprise. Also, another important thing about the Ice Water Bong is that
    if you simply cap the end of the hose after inhaling (You don't even really
    need to cap it...just for best results) any smoke still in the flask will be
    locked in there between the water and the end of the hose. So it's saved for
    a bit later! Bitchen, huh? Oh, and the Green Food Coloring does things that
    I am not at liberty to give out. Top Secret. Sorry....

    Notes from Sir Death: It's best to use a wooden bowl, because metal
    bowl tend to burn hotter and scorch the precious
    buds. And a wooden bowl just burns with it.
    Sortuv like Harmony, eh?


    \ / <---------- Bowl
    | | <---------------- Piping
    \ / <----------------- Cork
    | ----- |
    enhancement Flask -----------> | | | | ______________
    | | | |-----\ ''`'''' <-- Hose
    | | | |-----/______________ '
    | | | | ^ `'' '
    | | | | \ ' '
    | | | | \ ' '
    / | | \ Nozzle ' '
    / | | \ ' '
    / | | \ '''``'
    / | | \
    / | | \
    / | | \
    / | | \
    / \
    / Water, Ice \
    / & \
    / Green Food Coloring \
    / \

    <POOF!> You've just made a Green Glacier! Happy Fuckin highs and remember..

    'Say "Thanks man" To Drugs'

    Better Insanity Through Chemistry.......

    Another file downloaded from: The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven

    & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Taipan Enigma 510/935-5845
    Burn This Flag Zardoz 408/363-9766
    realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510/527-1662
    Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 801/278-2699
    The New Dork Sublime Biffnix 415/864-DORK
    The Shrine Rif Raf 206/794-6674
    Planet Mirth Simon Jester 510/786-6560

    "Raw Data for Raw Nerves"
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker
    ݱ28 Dec 89±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±_ROR_-_ALUCARD_±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±Ý? Þ°
    Ý Ý A Þ°
    Ý How To Make A Ý ?Þ°
    Ý GREEN GLACIER Ice-Water Bong A ßßßßß°
    Ý Tfile Þ°
    Ý Invented By: Doctor Murdock Distribution Þ°
    ÜÜÜÜÜ Centere Þ°
    Ý? Þ - RoR - Þ°
    Ý A Þ_____________________________________________________________________Þ°
    Ý ?Þ Shawn-Da-Lay Boy Productions, Inc.úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúÞ°
    °°°The Pirates' Hollow - 415/236/2371°°The Electric Pub - 415/236/4380°°°°
    °Primary Drop Sites°°°°°°Rat Head - 415/524/3649°°°°°Primary Drop Sites°°°

    First off I'm sure some of you have done this before...if
    you are TRUE visitors of Else. Basically, this is a simple enhancement Flask
    bong. [BASICALLY?? Shit...I put a LOT of work into this!!! ;)]
    If not....that's ok. There's still hope for you, yet.

    Special thanks to: Pressed Rat, RatSnatcher, & Sir Death for
    mind melds. And Space Ace for the BEST Christmas gift
    you could get from someone you've never met. Shroom On!


    1] A 2 Liter enhancement Flask (note: A enhancement Flask is different from a regular
    Flask. If you buy this, specify enhancement
    Flask. The easiest way to get this flask
    is by calling up your local Chemical
    warehouse. But brand new these fuckers
    cost about $66.00! But hey....small price
    to pay for a Green Glacier, right?
    If you live in the Bay Area, this is where
    I got mine:

    1101 Fifth Street
    Berkeley, Ca 94710
    Phone (415) 526-3141

    2] About 2 feet of 1/2 clear hose (You can easily find this at your local
    hardware store.)

    3] A cork that fits the top of the Flask (Go get the flask first and THEN
    go to the hardware store. )

    4] A Bowl and Piping (Now go to your nearest Head Shop and pick up a Bowl
    and some bong piping. About 10" of piping. Sometimes
    they only sell the piping in about 4" sizes at the
    largest. Such was the case with I super
    glued two together. Or, you can find a better Head
    Shop or make due with what ya got.... RoR, man...

    5] Some Green Food Coloring

    6] Some water, ice, and the killer weed!


    Now...take the cork plug and drill a hole through the center, wide
    enough so that the piping fits through it, tightly. Now place the Bowl on the
    piping and then stick the other end of the piping through the hole in the
    cork. Make it a fairly tight fit.

    Connect the hose.

    Drop about 6 or 7 cubes of ice into the flask and fill it with water to
    about 1800ml. My flask only marks measurements up to 1600, such may be the
    case with yours, so here again...make due. Now put about 4 or 5 drops of
    the green coloring fluid into the water in the flask. This gives it that eery
    Green Glacier Look!! And when your stoned you should read the letters:


    floating amoungst the green liquid. As you are reading these letters you will
    have a momentary flash of Ultimate Wisdom in your mind. This is not
    coincidental! But unfortunatly, we are still a very primitive race and can not
    yet have or even see Ultimate Wisdom. That's MY theory anyway. Nevertheless..
    you WILL see Ultimate Wisdom....go for it man....check it out!
    And if you see Alice on your journeys....tell Her I said Hi, would ya?

    Put the piping and cork plug through the top of the flask and press down
    until the cork seals the flask off. Airtight, eh?

    Now, Burn, baby, BURN!


    Now, in case you can't figure out the purpose of this little device...
    don't fear because I am here to explain. put some of the killer
    weed in the bowl (did I forget to mention to get screens? No...I assumed your
    not THAT lame...), and light up. Inhale from the end of the hose and the
    smoke will go down through the piping and into the water in bubbles.
    (Important Part here) It will then travel up to the surface in Ice Cold water
    therefor cooling the smoke and when it gets to the surface it's fairly cool.
    Then it goes through the enhancement on the side of the flask and enters your
    system, and then soaks into your brain cells and registers a One-Way Ticket to
    The Land of Else! Which no mortal man can deny! Anyway, the main purpose of
    this baby is to get the smoke cooler so that it goes down easy and takes the
    rasp out of it. So you can hold the smoke in longer and send your brain a
    nice surprise. Also, another important thing about the Ice Water Bong is that
    if you simply cap the end of the hose after inhaling (You don't even really
    need to cap it...just for best results) any smoke still in the flask will be
    locked in there between the water and the end of the hose. So it's saved for
    a bit later! Bitchen, huh? Oh, and the Green Food Coloring does things that
    I am not at liberty to give out. Top Secret. Sorry....

    Notes from Sir Death: It's best to use a wooden bowl, because metal
    bowl tend to burn hotter and scorch the precious
    buds. And a wooden bowl just burns with it.
    Sortuv like Harmony, eh?


    \ / <---------- Bowl
    | | <---------------- Piping
    \ / <----------------- Cork
    | ----- |
    enhancement Flask -----------> | | | | ______________
    | | | |-----\ ''`'''' <-- Hose
    | | | |-----/______________ '
    | | | | ^ `'' '
    | | | | \ ' '
    | | | | \ ' '
    / | | \ Nozzle ' '
    / | | \ ' '
    / | | \ '''``'
    / | | \
    / | | \
    / | | \
    / | | \
    / \
    / Water, Ice \
    / & \
    / Green Food Coloring \
    / \

    <POOF!> You've just made a Green Glacier! Happy Fuckin highs and remember..

    'Say "Thanks man" To Drugs'

    Better Insanity Through Chemistry.......

    Another file downloaded from: The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven

    & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Taipan Enigma 510/935-5845
    Burn This Flag Zardoz 408/363-9766
    realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510/527-1662
    Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 801/278-2699
    The New Dork Sublime Biffnix 415/864-DORK
    The Shrine Rif Raf 206/794-6674
    Planet Mirth Simon Jester 510/786-6560

    "Raw Data for Raw Nerves"

  5. #5
    Elbow African Astronaut
    cant fuckin believe scronny gave you my number ugh
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #6
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Elbow cant fuckin believe scronny gave you my number ugh

    He said you were his number two and he likes to take you in the dark.
  7. #7
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    There is nothing in life finer than a freshly cleaned unshaven asshole up close after consuming a dose of amphetamines with the lights on

  8. #8
    Bradley Dogsbane
    It went straight to voicemail
  9. #9
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley It went straight to voicemail

    Oh shit, you didn't actually call it? Oh fuck no.
  10. #10
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    here is youtubes dedicated Fax phone number

    +1 650 872 8513

    I contact this regularly with Junk mail from my "fax blasting" program. Including many scans of my ass

    We also provide a host of services which compliment broadcast faxing such as a fax removal service, never busy fax mail boxes, and North American Numbering Plan updating of your fax numbers (area code changes) to name a few.

    Self-Launch: Are you annoyed by sending multiple faxes to your smaller lists like committees, boards, conference call groups, etc.? With Main Strike's Self Launch TelNet Broadcast Faxing, you can give us your lists, call an 800 number from any fax machine, choose your list, and just fax one! Off they go at the time you choose – immediate or scheduled! You will automatically receive a fail list one minute after your fax finishes transmission just like full-featured faxing.

    Common Names for this Service:

    Blast Fax
    Broadcast Fax
    Broadcast Faxing
    Computer Based Faxing
    Facsimile Sending
    Facsimile Service
    Fax Advertising
    Fax Blasting
    Fax Bomb
    Fax Broadcast Marketing
    Fax Broadcasting
    Fax Broadcasting Services
    Fax Campaign
    Fax Drop
    Fax Effort
    High Capacity Faxing
    High Volume Fax
    High-Capacity Powercast
    Mail Merge Faxing
    Mass Fax
    Wholesale Facsimile Sending

    Automatic List Removal Hotline

    Do you send out high volume broadcast faxes to your members?
    Do you receive loads of time consuming calls from people asking to be removed from your list?

    If so, why not set-up an
    with Main Strike!

    Simply include your exclusive Automatic List Removal Hotline number in a small sentence at the bottom of your fax, like: "If you received this fax in error and would like to be removed from our fax list, please call 1-800-XXX-XXXX and have your fax number handy." When callers dial your Automatic List Removal Hotline, they are greeted with a voice prompt that says: "If you would like your fax number removed from our fax list, use your touch tone key pad and enter your area code and fax number after the tone. Press the pound key when you are done." The number is captured, verified with the caller, then appended to your "Do Not Send - No Fax" database. We automatically purge these numbers from your future fax efforts with Main Strike. Whether you use Main Strike or another vendor, we can e-mail you your "Do Not Send - No Fax" database on some regular interval, like daily, weekly, or monthly.
  11. #11
    Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    1 800 ASK 4 ASS
  12. #12
    Bradley Dogsbane
    ya whenever someone on this site or online tells me to do something i do it
  13. #13
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley ya whenever someone on this site or online tells me to do something i do it

    Kill pauliwog
  14. #14
    Bradley Dogsbane
    I don't want to hurt the fast food places struggling to stay afloat
  15. #15
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    800 588 2300 EMPIRE today
  16. #16
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley I don't want to hurt the fast food places struggling to stay afloat

    He is in California. He can't afford fast food.
  17. #17
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Santa Claus' Fax Number: There are various services that allow children to send their letters to Santa via fax. These are often seasonal and promoted during the holiday season.

    The White House Fax Number: The White House has a public fax number for receiving correspondence from citizens. As of the last available information, the number is (202) 456-2461.

    NASA's Fax Number: NASA’s public affairs office has a fax number that has been used by media and enthusiasts to send inquiries. The number is (202) 358-4338.

    Vatican City Fax Number: The Vatican has a fax number for public correspondence. This number is +39 06 698 83455.

    Hokkaido Bureau of Economy, Trade, and Industry (Japan): Known for its peculiar and extremely specific faxing requirements for certain forms. Their fax number is +81 11-709-1773.

    Banksy's Fax Number: While not confirmed, there are rumors that street artist Banksy has used fax numbers to receive anonymous messages. These numbers are often circulated in art communities.

    Universal Studios Hollywood Fan Club: This fax number used to allow fans to send in their questions and comments directly. It’s (818) 622-3399.

    British Museum in London, which can be reached at +44 20 7323 8616.
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