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2022-09-04 at 2:37 PM UTC
2022-09-04 at 2:44 PM UTC
Originally posted by CandyRein Bradley..you’re poor so you come from poverty .. no one in your family had slaves hundreds of years ago for you to even begin to pretend to be superior on the Internet
Get real and get some self awareness and self esteem
Yo so honestly, this is why I struggle to see why you dislike me. I'm anti racist, talk in a manner you can tell i was raised in section 8, am not a whiet person who pretends to be something i'm not, and honestly think black girls are pretty. I do not like when they wear weaves and wigs and what not, I think they're pretty with really tight braids or afros or what have you, not trying to be some western idea of what's attractive when it comes to hair. I think i'm also a really nice person.
That being said I am well aware of my people (well not my dad's side lol got that commonality too) were poor, my people didn't actually get here till after the civil war, most of them traveling here after WWI because they felt as though world wars were going to continue and didn'tw ant to lose everything again. That's also why I'm from the midwest, it was the closest to Finland & Germany they could get (on my mother's side).
I'm a real person who had a fucked up life and make fucked up jokes. I would never IRL make fun of someone for their race and even racial slurs kinda make me uncomfortable. I know I have white privledge and use it to steal, get good deals at sentencing, and take advantage of a racist system. But who wouldn't if given the opportunity? I aint got shit else going for me and we both know it.
/rantThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2022-09-04 at 2:49 PM UTCBET
and no i dont mean the TV styation
2022-09-04 at 2:53 PM UTCIf I could buy a slave, I honestly would and knowing me, I'm pretty like nice and what not. So it'd start with "You don't really have to acutally work all day." cuz i get really uncomfortable when someone's like cleaning the house and I"m just sitting there, or even like when someone's busting their ass doing something and I don't help. IDK why. I think my mother made me like that growing up.
So you know what starts as really relaxed labor load or shared labor loads, quickly turns into me making sexual jokes and complimenting them (which I can't but help doing both unless I"m told to fuck off) and then at some point I'd turn to my slave (who I wouldn't rename as that's a really fucked up thing to do IMO) and say "Jezabella, what say you and I go out to the tavern and get some food and ales to go?" next thing you know I'm balls deep in some black girl and she's telling me she loves me and tells me she can't imagine me having a white wife and i'm like ok and then we make u -
2022-09-04 at 3:06 PM UTC
Originally posted by CandyRein Bradley..you’re poor so you come from poverty .. no one in your family had slaves hundreds of years ago for you to even begin to pretend to be superior on the Internet
Get real and get some self awareness and self esteem
My great great grandfather Iosep owned an entire peasant estate and became an infamous historical figure in his region known best for his brutality and atrocities committed against the people that serf'd under him, especially his punishment towards women and children for even the smallest of infraction, turning brothers and friends into bitter rivals on nothing but a suspicious whim and fueled by intense alcoholism and what is now thought to be a psychotic personality disorder
Looking back now people ask themselves how did anyone put up with such treatment by the leaders? It doesn't take much apparently because they didn't even have guns back then -
2022-09-04 at 3:43 PM UTC
Originally posted by Bradley Yo so honestly, this is why I struggle to see why you dislike me. I'm anti racist, talk in a manner you can tell i was raised in section 8, am not a whiet person who pretends to be something i'm not, and honestly think black girls are pretty. I do not like when they wear weaves and wigs and what not, I think they're pretty with really tight braids or afros or what have you, not trying to be some western idea of what's attractive when it comes to hair. I think i'm also a really nice person.
That being said I am well aware of my people (well not my dad's side lol got that commonality too) were poor, my people didn't actually get here till after the civil war, most of them traveling here after WWI because they felt as though world wars were going to continue and didn'tw ant to lose everything again. That's also why I'm from the midwest, it was the closest to Finland & Germany they could get (on my mother's side).
I'm a real person who had a fucked up life and make fucked up jokes. I would never IRL make fun of someone for their race and even racial slurs kinda make me uncomfortable. I know I have white privledge and use it to steal, get good deals at sentencing, and take advantage of a racist system. But who wouldn't if given the opportunity? I aint got shit else going for me and we both know it.
Good people don't steal -
2022-09-04 at 4:09 PM UTC
2022-09-04 at 4:43 PM UTC
2022-09-04 at 4:48 PM UTC
Originally posted by Ghost My great great grandfather Iosep owned an entire peasant estate and became an infamous historical figure in his region known best for his brutality and atrocities committed against the people that serf'd under him, especially his punishment towards women and children for even the smallest of infraction, turning brothers and friends into bitter rivals on nothing but a suspicious whim and fueled by intense alcoholism and what is now thought to be a psychotic personality disorder
Looking back now people ask themselves how did anyone put up with such treatment by the leaders? It doesn't take much apparently because they didn't even have guns back then
so how did you end up becoming white trash so quickly??? -
2022-09-04 at 4:49 PM UTCYes.. it tasted as amazing as it looks...❤️
Just like me ...*giggles and runs away* -
2022-09-04 at 4:52 PM UTC
2022-09-04 at 8:13 PM UTC
2022-09-04 at 8:15 PM UTCImagine being online all day acting like you discovered curse words for the first time
2022-09-04 at 8:26 PM UTCCareful, guise. Gollum might run away again. Bullying is NOT cool.
2022-09-04 at 8:27 PM UTCYou gotta be aggressive to be a bully .. it’s not aggression he exudes...at all
More like a kid online for the first time -
2022-09-04 at 8:29 PM UTC
2022-09-04 at 8:52 PM UTC
Originally posted by Haxxor The Spookiest Sound in Astronomy
The cosmic scream isn’t what space truly sounds like. It’s still terrifying.
There's no air in space vacuum so there's no sound in space so it's just some science guy making up some noise. -
2022-09-04 at 9:57 PM UTC
Originally posted by Balloon Man There's no air in space vacuum so there's no sound in space so it's just some science guy making up some noise.
While this is true ^^ you have to actually read the article to understand the post 🙄
“Some parts of space are full of hot gas, including the medium between the distant, sparkly galaxies huddled together. In 2002, when a NASA space telescope named Chandra studied the Perseus cluster, it detected wavelike movements in the gas, propagating outward like ripples in water. The ripples, scientists determined, were produced by the supermassive black hole in the cluster’s central galaxy. When the black hole sucks in cosmic material, it burps some out—explosive behavior that pushes around the gas nearby. The resulting waves, astronomers concluded, were sound waves, with a frequency much too deep for any of us to hear.
It wasn’t until recently that Kimberly Arcand, Chandra’s visualization scientist, decided to shift those impossibly low cosmic notes into the audible range. She wanted the public, and particularly those who are blind or have reduced vision, to be able to experience the wonder of the Perseus cluster with senses besides sight. Arcand told me she was inspired by Wanda Díaz-Merced, a blind astrophysicist who developed a program to convert sunlight into sound so that she could hear a solar eclipse sweeping across the United States in 2017. Arcand and her team extracted the sound data from Chandra’s observations and then, with some mathematical work and sound editing, brought them into the range of human hearing, a couple hundred quadrillion times higher than the original frequency. The result: a spooky, cosmic wail.“
There’s obviously more informational in the article..however since it’s obvious you simply looked at the title and made a judgment I thought I’d share the ‘science’ behind the title. 😑 I thought it was interesting.
Probably should have given more thought to the fact that most posters here either can’t or won’t bother to read beyond a sentence. -
2022-09-04 at 10:05 PM UTC
2022-09-04 at 10:06 PM UTCIt's just that if you were in space with a microphone you wouldn't pick up anything