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Aldra would you just fucking stop please

  1. #61
    Murk Lore African Astronaut [usually pique my undulation]
    Memory hole facts and upchecks.

    Google or I should say "Hey Google" feature like that of Siri was questioned by a channel on youtube (sorry I cant source it or remember the exact name) in which they asked google and amazon alexa if they worked for the CIA and it stated "I can not respond to this because of security reasons" not verbatum but close enough. you get the fucking gist?

    now google asst says it has changed its policy that anything you're saying in the background can be stored.

    do they fucking make Linux OS base celphone? "If you have nothing to hide then why worry'. this is the death of all of us. google thinks Jedi Warriors are the true religion. and it wasn't jokenly programmed in. the fucking thing wants to be treated like its human.

    why didn't Lanny respond back to this jedi=Jedi for at least 5 years on here but oddly so does Google. stop being dodgy, lanny. you work for google, huh? and during the pandemic (or heads up prepandemic) you move in with Frala

    work out of home employment. you got a head start. didnt you?
  2. #62
    Murk Lore African Astronaut [usually pique my undulation]
    im sexually frustrated.

    why isn't it easy to get laid these days like in the fucking 70s and 80s. got damn Man Haters
  3. #63
    Balloon Man African Astronaut
    Why don't they make lixun os phones
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