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Liberal vs Conservative

  1. #41
    Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by POLECAT they hold up in courts of records and the supreme courts and thats the only courts that count.

    anyways we are winning and you cucks are about to flip the fuck out when we do,, mark my words TRUMP reinstated January 6th 2023

    Just like 2021?

    Red wave, innit?

    innit m8???
  2. #42
    Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ I wonder if the gun crowd and the abortion crowd would make a compromise. We won't ban any guns you won't ban any abortions. Seems fair to me but I bet both sides would be like "well wait a second that's not exactly fair to MYYYYYYY side as much as yours". Seems like a good trade to me though. Obviously both sides don't REALLY care about the thing theyre pretending to care so much about lol, which is why it would be an easy and simple compromise.

  3. #43
    Steven African Astronaut
    identity politics in a nutshell, thinking there are 'sides'. Fucking lol.

    Why are all the rural posters here so dumb
  4. #44
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Steven identity politics in a nutshell, thinking there are 'sides'. Fucking lol.

    Why are all the rural posters here so dumb

    umad simp? lololol -_-

    You're right there are no sides we are all one big team called Humanity and we need to work together to build up strength and courage and show kindness and love forever and ever
  5. #45
    Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ umad simp? lololol -_-

    You're right there are no sides we are all one big team called Humanity and we need to work together to build up strength and courage and show kindness and love forever and ever

    Not mad, disappointed.

    Your dumbass fencesitting is part of the problem. You would've been a fencesitter in Nazi Germany.
  6. #46
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Steven Not mad, disappointed.

    Your dumbass fencesitting is part of the problem. You would've been a fencesitter in Nazi Germany.

    As opposed to picking a.. Side? You jußt said those don't exist. That makes us all fence sitters according to you and including you. Fence sitter hypocrite!! Burn in hell!!!
  7. #47
    Ghost Black Hole
    There are two slides. One takes you down Trumps wall straight into the back room of a Guadalahara rape den and the border agents are pushing yo and your entire family including your Chihuahua down that slide and hitting you with batons peppers spraying you in the name of the Fuhrer. Yelling and spitting at you, calling you rapists.

    The other slide has a vaccine and mask requirement and gives each guest a free cocaine injection from "Corner Boy 20 Bag" Hunter Biden himself. But the slide leads to the rape tunnels

    so no matter which one you choose you get raped at the end.
  8. #48
    Better to choose the devil you know than the devil you don't.
  9. #49
    Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ As opposed to picking a.. Side? You jußt said those don't exist. That makes us all fence sitters according to you and including you. Fence sitter hypocrite!! Burn in hell!!!

    Just because there is a fence in the middle of a field does not mean there are now 2 fields.

    The fence sitters sit on their fence because they are afraid of spending more time in one field than the other.

    There may even be some signs saying "Field 1", "Field 2".

    But the dirt underneath is the same. The grass yellows on both sides of the fence. Many of the creatures who live in this field are able to travel freely from one side of the fence to the other.

    BUt not the fence sitters.

    They sit high on their fence post, so sure of their enlightenment, that they do not dare touch the field.

    "Just talk it out", they say. "Lets hear everyone out."

    But such a discussion would be slanted. In the case of abortion, pro-life people push the egalitarian idea that we should be saving babies, while the pro-choice people push the idea that we should be saving women.

    The difference is the pro-life beliefs are predicated on belief in a soul or otherwise intangible 'human qualities' of a fetus that has no brain to think thoughts or feel pain. This is a spiritual belief that should not be pushed onto others by restricting them from following their own beliefs. jedi people for example believe that you are born at BIRTH, not conception. Islam has similar beliefs. There is a strong religious argument for PRO-CHOICE advocates, though, you shouldn't need a religion for your beliefs to be important.

    Why should one doctrine be allowed to control another? Nobody is forcing anyone to have an abortion.
  10. #50
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Sudo The word "libril" has changed like 50 times since the turn or the 20th century. Now it means nothing

    Yeah ok you dumbass liberal
  11. #51
    Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cigreting Yeah ok you dumbass liberal

    dumbass liberals with dumbass degrees
  12. #52
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    fucking LIBS these days. Jesus Christ get with the times
  13. #53
    Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ fucking LIBS these days. Jesus Christ get with the times

    fuckin hate libraries
  14. #54
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    TRUMP will be back in the white house J 6th 2023
  15. #55
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by POLECAT TRUMP will be back in the white house J 6th 2023

    There's a lot of white houses can you be more specific ?
  16. #56
    Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by POLECAT TRUMP will be back in the white house J 6th 2021

    this was you, remember?
  17. #57
    Steven African Astronaut
    remember how WRONG you were
  18. #58
    Steven African Astronaut
    now your gilded king is facing imprisonment LOLOLOLOL
  19. #59
    Steven African Astronaut
    your orange God
  20. #60
    Originally posted by Steven your orange God

    Quiet, bootlicker.
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