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wores drag you've ever done

  1. #1
    Steven African Astronaut
    i have to say Maiami 20012
  2. #2
    Bradley Dogsbane
    What are you asking
  3. #3
    Steven African Astronaut
    what you've done ever
  4. #4
    Steven African Astronaut
    type whatever you want its a free country
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
    Ghost Black Hole
    probably huffing propane

    truly a dark time imn life

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man The best way to trip on a propane is to blow it up into a balloon like nitrous and suck the gas

    About two months ago I began to experiment with inhalents because of how cheap and accessible they can be, specifically propane. Over the past year I have experienced intensely euphoric and psychedelic trips that Propane gas allows me to have. Over the first week or so the effect of the gas was a fairly pleasurable and anesthetic experience lasting up to 10 minutes, but without psychedelic responses. Key characteristics of propane inhaled are: a cold sensation that travels down over my body, distortion of vision, a pulsing of audio stimuli, and often a rhythmic ringing sound. It is fairly intense and I really cannot compare it justly to other inhalants like nitrous oxide or ether. For me, propane is a very real drug with a very real affect.

    Around week two, the gas began to have a much stronger affect on me. I would pass out of reality after 45 seconds or so and become convinced that one or two other people were in the room with me. It wasn't that I so much saw them as just 'knew' they were present.

    By week three of breathing propane, I had become used to these two 'propane pals.' One of them is male and speaks much like an auctioneer; quickly almost like he were attempting to sell a product. The other is female and doesn't speak much. Her main role is to ask questions of the man occasionally, which he always, every time, answers quickly and extremely rationally. Occasionally my mind develops a question of its own accord, which the man perceives and answers rationally and non-judgmentally.

    After the pleasurable affects of the gas dissipated as I passed out of reality, these 'sessions' with the man and woman had become fairly typical and expected. It is generally fun and often enlightening.

    However, the other night something different happened. I had been using Propane for about two months when I had a very real and almost tangible hallucination.

    The situation was this: I had just finished watching Back to the Future in a dark room. I picked up the bottle of propane and after two hits passed out of reality. Except this time the propane people were not present. Instead, there was a demonic child with a black face, sharp eyes and claws, and out of the side of their neck was pouring this thick, green smoke that almost had a braided texture to it. It was issuing through a hole maybe a 1/4 in diameter and I was sure it was toxic. Without panicking, I told him to cough, and out of his mouth billowed this cloud of black smoke. I called the poison control center and tried to explain what I saw but when I came back to reality, realized there was nobody there

    It was than that I took another hit of propane. As usual I went limp and passed out of the real world. But when I got up to go pee what I saw scared the leving shit out of me.

    It was a childs body, a child's voice, but what I saw as his face was not his face. Sitting there next to me was this child, but his face was that of some other creature with no eyes, no expression, dead looking, creepy. I couldn't look at him. I could hardly talk. I looked again and saw the same thing. It spock to me trying to convince me that it was real but I just couldn't get a grip. After a minute or so I run to the light and turned it on. When I looked over at the couch in the light everything looked perfectly normal and nobody was there. This was a pretty unnerving experience.

    I am not sure it is was because of the movie I was watching prior to the gas that opened new channels of subconscious thought or if it was just the state of mind I happened to be in. I really don't know and this has not happened since.

    While on propane I have experienced things like watching the TV and hearing the sound in real time but seeing the picture freeze and progress frame by frame. Or while on propane and playing music, I have become aware that there is like a hologram superimposed over my head which makes me appear as someone else; longer hair, different color, etc. But I never become scared.

    The main feature of Propane Gas are pulsing of sight, touch and sound and Reduced taste and smell. General you know it is starting to work when you feel a cold chill run across your body and sometimes you feel nauses for a little while. Funny colored dots a bit like noise in a t.v. signal and dark patches begin in your sight. Like most drugs you loose motor skills. Often all you can consentrat on is sucking down the gas. A waring at this point one deep breath can make you pass out on the floor.

    Hallucinations now when I use the Gas it is mostly late at night with the t.v. in a lighted room. As todate I have only used gas I have tried nutmeg but it didn't work. I have experinced serveral audio hallucination of the t.v. e.g. ads about disney crap when the was no ad on and some voices but they were prety crappy and one realistic one I though my mum was up stairs screaming and stamping the floor because here mobile phone bills weren't as good as the ones on the t.v.

    Twice I have exhaled and the air in front of me riggle like i was breath hot air like above a hot plate. My strongest hallunication was when at the top of my stairs there was one of my dogs the big one( it was there) then the other smaller dog can running up around the corner(it wasn't there) and barked at me then it shrank to the size of a new born pup. It body started loose shape and looked like it was made by several spherical objects. Thoose balls look as if the were very shiny. Then it began to float in the air and spun around and stuff. Begining at the top of the stairs and had bad motor skills ended up leaning backwards slight and was loosing my balance. I was try to grab on to stuff but each time was swung the floating dog thing stopped me grabing onto it. I woke up concussed on the titled floor after fall down a flight of stairs went to the hospital and came back clear. Watch out this is dangerous but cheap.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #6
    Bradley Dogsbane
    Wtf bro
  7. #7
    Bradley Dogsbane
    That's AWESOME
  8. #8
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Worst drag I've ever seen was my friend Dave in a dress after too much Jameson and apple cider
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #9
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Worst drug I have ever done is DPH
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. #10
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Worst drug I've ever done is doxepin/Cymbalta because it made me want to die by my own hand. I also thought this thread was about drag queening
  11. #11
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Sudo Worst drug I've ever done is doxepin/Cymbalta because it made me want to die by my own hand. I also thought this thread was about drag queening

    I think doxepin and cymbalta are two different drugs but yeah, SNRIs in general seem very likely to make people feel like shit both mentally and physically

    I recently got off 150 mg desvenlafaxine a day, shit sucked and gave me bad withdrawal symptoms
  12. #12
    Bradley Dogsbane
    Shooting up cocaine
  13. #13
    blaster master victim of incest
  14. #14
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by blaster master yeah in terms of straight up bad time, b-drills take the cake

    in terms of life ruining, crystal meth

    in terms of health ruining, coke cigs and alcohol

    in terms of financial ruining, nitrous

    in terms of heavy bad trip? 2CE

    Lol imagine putting yourself into financial ruin due to a nitrous addiction
  15. #15
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #16
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Not sure what ur asking but i willingly injected heroin [for like idk 7 yrs] and fent [for like idk 4 yrs] everyday into my bloodstream and i have to say it was pretty fucking retarded, but the crazy thing is, i wouldnt have all the shit i have today if i didnt do that and i honestly believe there was a good reason for this and i mean nothing other than not being a retarded drug user and divine intervention [gnosticism/ritual magick] saved me from death and i truly wish all my dead friends were here to experience life on this level.

    The saturn return is a bitch, i just feel like im escaping mine at 31. I knew id be ok when i turned 28 in county jail doing 12 months.

    Not sure if this is what u asked but i was also circumcised by a blood sucking doctor when i got queefed out.

    What the fuck
  17. #17
    blaster master victim of incest
  18. #18
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by blaster master I've done it.

    And nitrous you can buy with a credit card, the cocaine man only takes cash.

    They sell them at the smoke shop I always go to but I haven't fucked with those in like 15+ years, I don't even know how that they cost now
  19. #19
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Originally posted by Rape Monster They sell them at the smoke shop I always go to but I haven't fucked with those in like 15+ years, I don't even know how that they cost now

    Expensive and not worth it
  20. #20
    blaster master victim of incest
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