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BradleyB's Better than BonaBlat's UpBate 8/28

  1. #1
    Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    Due to the fact I have some form of sense, I actually don't commit crimes while on campus unless you count taking 2 slices of pizza on free pizza day or 2 totsepacks loaded with beach accessories (I thought it was full of hygene products cuz I've had a fucked up life), I did give 1 beach towel to a homeless guy cuz he was wiping sweat off him with a blue tinted black towel covered in grease and just making him dirtier. I made him trade me though because I knew he'd keep using it if I didn't/and or sell the beach towel.

    I gave away one of the water bottles & the sunscreen to my boy yesterday when we went fishing. But like now I have 2 beach balls cuz no one wanted one of them. I think I"mma save them for graduation and do the thing where someone fills them up and the crowd plays with them for awhile. Might draw a swastika on one when I do it.

    ANYWAY I only commit crimes (aside from smoking on campus which when they start walking up to me I start briskly walking away from them, and then when I'm done, put it out and sit down and act surprised about, only 1 really inshape Hotel Rawanda lookin ass guard was able to catch me) off campus and at least 3 blocks from my house.

    I'm a good person like that, but i've really slowed it down since the Gods have given me everything I needed to suceed and I amanged to not be thrown out for crack use.

    Since my relapse 2023 I havne't gotten high or drank and I feel really good, not about my sobriety but more so about my schooling and catching 3 big fish yesterday.

    I get sooo much exercise when I fish because I walk 6-8 miles and stand for 6 hours. GOnna add my new fishing friends onto my facebook which should be interesting, people really get a good understanding of who i am from my enhancemented posts on FB, not like here a lot tamer cuz i have my auntie on there and she tells my mom what I post. I forgot what the whole point of this post was.

    I shit sitting down, if I'm shitting I often piss as I'm dropping one, but I NEVER EEEEEEEEEVER shit while I"m standing up taking a piss. Tried to get this chubby girls number in mcdonalds but i was in a hurry to go fish, she looked like a bigger version of my ex i was with for 7 years and was with her little sister, I kinda fucked it up by saying "Hey do you go to school here?" clearly it's a fucking campus but she said "Yes I just got out of class." and I followed up that by saying "Wanna get coffee monday morning?" she said no thank you

    I should've fleshed out the conversation more and given her more time to understand I am large white cock & geniusy of the mind & not ten months away from being her next failed attempt at interracial dating. But folks I needed to fill up water bottles and get fishing, originally I Was gonna get food for me and my boy but when I say that §m£ÂgØL lookin nigga eating in my philosophy class and being winded by havving to walk down a flight of stairs I was kinda disgusted with absorbing palatable garbage.

    Not sure what the point I was trying to get it at but that's my BradleyB 8/28 update. I'm free to answer questions until 10pm. I will post a picture of the 3 fish I caught later.
  2. #2
    Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    sometimes when I jack off I get excited by having such a big dick that I think I get hard because I'm excited at how big and hard I am which makes me harder & bigger & veinier which makes me even more excited & Im not gonna lie I've seen some hispanic guys penises and it's like they're tan and then their genitalia is like a darker shitier color and liek the head and the balls but with ME being Pure White Delight the head and balls of me are pinkish/dark red which I think looks a lot better on a casper the ghost colored nigga than having darker balls and a dark tipped penis.

    Like at least I can tell when I have a shitty pp,
  3. #3
    Ghost Black Hole
    i liked fonaplats better

    you spend a lot of words to say nothing
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I woke up

    I went to the badenzimmer

    I threw up in the papierkorb

    Ich bin ein Berliner
  6. #6
    Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    people like you guys get blowjobs from dudes then get pissed off when he tells people you have a big cock
  7. #7
    Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    well i'mma go work on getting better educated and do these 3 comments, I"ll be back later for low tier advice & to insult more of you.
  8. #8
    Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    i said comments but i meant assignments, fuck an edit
  9. #9
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley people like you guys get blowjobs from dudes then get pissed off when he tells people you have a big cock

    if anyone touched me ever I would fucking murder them
  10. #10
    Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    ill fuck you
  11. #11
    Ghost Black Hole
    Someone tapped me on the shoulder while I was at the coffee shop and I almost made a huge scene and was gonna have to fight the fucker in the store because I didn't like how he was looking at me but I started getting really weird looks from the people around me like I was in the wrong for wanting to knock this piece of shit faggot out and fight in the middle of a store so I asked him to step outside but he didn't even want to fight and he apologized for violating my personal space

    I also apologized for violently threatening him and said I was having a bad day and needed coffee
  12. #12
    Ghost Black Hole
    The security guards here are smart and learned long ago to never put your hands on people

    they only grab women so if you have tits, watch out because they will 100% rent-a-cop a feel while putting the zip ties around you and probably rape you in the backroom for stealing that over priced makeup, you WHORE
  13. #13
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Lol bradley hows school going
  14. #14
    Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    really good aside from missing 1 day of math class because i had to switch into a different one, my saturday philosophy and ethics course is gonna be super easy. Still haven't gotten a girlfriend but that's OK because now I have my head shaved, a scar instead of a scab on my head, I did 1 quiz but got below what I wanted results and you get 1 make up test, stopped getting high/drinking and i got 1 assignment due thursday & 2 assignments due next saturday so all in all, not bad
  15. #15
    Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    hows ur 2 classes going
  16. #16
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    E z as fuck.

    Ur gonna fail out i 97% guarentee it

    Not trying to be a dick but u really dont know what youve gotten urself into.

    Eh what do i know though im not disabled and handed money from the govt every month and actually work and maintain a fairly high gpa [only bad marks are from 2010 when i dropped out]

    Ur just going to school cuz u think u can trick the system somehow like you think with everything cuz 'ur smarter than everyone else' lol.

    I like u bradley but u are horribly un-realistic when it comes to 90% of shit in ur life

    Also ur one of those gays that doesnt wanna be gay which is weird as fuck on its own
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. #17
    Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RIPtotse E z as fuck.

    Ur gonna fail out i 97% guarentee it

    Not trying to be a dick but u really dont know what youve gotten urself into.

    Eh what do i know though im not disabled and handed money from the govt every month and actually work and maintain a fairly high gpa [only bad marks are from 2010 when i dropped out]

    Ur just going to school cuz u think u can trick the system somehow like you think with everything cuz 'ur smarter than everyone else' lol.

    I like u bradley but u are horribly un-realistic when it comes to 90% of shit in ur life

    Also ur one of those gays that doesnt wanna be gay which is weird as fuck on its own

    lol you sound defeated as fuck lololol
  18. #18
    Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    Originally posted by RIPtotse E z as fuck.

    Ur gonna fail out i 97% guarentee it

    Not trying to be a dick but u really dont know what youve gotten urself into.

    Eh what do i know though im not disabled and handed money from the govt every month and actually work and maintain a fairly high gpa [only bad marks are from 2010 when i dropped out]

    Ur just going to school cuz u think u can trick the system somehow like you think with everything cuz 'ur smarter than everyone else' lol.

    I like u bradley but u are horribly un-realistic when it comes to 90% of shit in ur life

    Also ur one of those gays that doesnt wanna be gay which is weird as fuck on its own

    ya bro i have to agree with kipo. IDK why you think im going to school just to trick the system when Im sacrificing my time and energy to have a better life for myself down the road.

    I think you want me to fail like you wanted me to relapse.

    You seem angry I don't work a shitty job and upset that I'm smarter than you, smart enough to study five courses at once.

    Why not put a 100$ wager on whether or not I fail out this semester? :)
  19. #19
    Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    RIPTOTSE has a very crab bucket mentality (and it shows)
  20. #20
    Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    i really wish I wasn't gay, I want a family in the traditional sense, I want to be happy, I like pussy. I just like having sex with feminine men too buyt I dont'w ant to be with one and like hold hands with them walking down the street and feel their stubble when they kiss me. THat's fucking gay.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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