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I think i might be retarded now

  1. #1
    Bradley Black Hole
    Folks i just took a quiz and got 20 out of 25. Now I'm not a GEO ENTHUSIAST but the questions were honestly really fucking confusing. We can take it again to get a higher score but im like god damnit 80%?

  2. #2
    Bradley Black Hole
    I can't believe I'm fucking dumb now.

    Why did i join advanced earth sciences

    Question 1
    4 out of 4 points

    A geologist is working in an area with exposed sedimentary rocks and finds a well exposed sequence of stratified rocks. As he works through a thick sequence of limestone, he sees abundant large clam fossils that produce an interlocking texture suggesting a reef, but within the limestone section these clams disappear and the overlying limestone is made up primarily of fragments of corals. He now moves 50 km away and finds limestones interbedded with shales, and the limestones contain the same clam fossils he had seen previously 50 km away. As he continues through this section, the rocks become entirely limestone, and the clams disappear again with coral fossils above forming a reef structure. He concludes ________.
    Question 2
    4 out of 4 points

    After two half-lives, there is no longer any of the original radioactive material remaining.
    Question 3
    4 out of 4 points

    The term Mesozoic refers to life forms intermediate in complexity between early and much later, more modern-looking life forms.
    Question 4
    4 out of 4 points

    Different periods of the geologic time scale are different in length. Why?
    Question 5
    4 out of 4 points

    One type of fossil that can preserve details of organic soft parts is ________.
    Question 6
    0 out of 4 points

    Strata above an angular unconformity were tilted before the older strata were eroded.
    Question 7
    4 out of 4 points

    In the late 1800's various principles (original horizontality, inclusions, cross cutting relations, etc.) were established and used to ________.
    Question 8
    0 out of 4 points

    The principle of horizontality which states that sediments are usually deposited in relatively flat layers is important because ________.
    Question 9
    0 out of 4 points

    Which of the following is an essential characteristic of an index fossil?
    Question 10
    0 out of 4 points

    If you observe an angular unconformity, you would infer that the region had experienced ________.
    Question 11
    4 out of 4 points

    Which method best describes how the geologic time scale, which was developed through fossil successions in sedimentary rocks, was tied to absolute time even though sedimentary rocks cannot usually be dated directly by geochronology?
    Question 12
    4 out of 4 points

    The half-life of carbon-14 is about 6000 years. Assume that a sample of charcoal formed by burning of living wood 15,000 years ago. How much of the original carbon-14 would remain today?
    Question 13
    4 out of 4 points

    An unconformity involving older metamorphic rocks and younger sedimentary strata is termed a nonconformity.
    Question 14
    4 out of 4 points

    There is geologic evidence that the earth has experienced many episodes of mountain building and erosion.
    Question 15
    4 out of 4 points

    Numerical dates based on radioactivity are very important for studying Precambrian geologic history because fossils are rare or absent.
    Question 16
    4 out of 4 points

    An important tool in understanding the actual numerical dates of past geologic events is ________.
    Question 17
    4 out of 4 points

    By applying the law of superposition, ________ dates can be determined.
    Question 18
    0 out of 4 points

    Radiometric data was the key to modern geology replacing catastrophism.
    Question 19
    4 out of 4 points

    Who made the first clear statement of the law of superposition? When?
    Question 20
    4 out of 4 points

    The radioactive isotope, potassium-40, has argon-40 as a daughter product.
    Question 21
    4 out of 4 points

    If you observe a disconformity, you would infer that the region had experienced ________.
    Question 22
    4 out of 4 points

    In the late 1700s James Hutton published his important work titled ________.
    Question 23
    4 out of 4 points

    The era known as the "age of mammals" is the ________ era.
    Question 24
    4 out of 4 points

    Visualize five horizontal sedimentary strata exposed in a cliff or canyon wall identified by consecutive numbers, 1 being the lowest bed and 5 being the highest. Which of the following statements concerning the strata is true?
    Question 25
    4 out of 4 points

    You observe a distinct, red sandstone rock body about 50 m thick that is depositionally overlain by a red shale with interbedded gypsum and you follow this boundary in the rock bodies for 1 km until you cross a fault which has displaced the boundary between the two rock bodies. You walk along the fault and see a boundary between a 50 m thick red sandstone and overlying red shale interbedded with gypsum. You conclude ________.
    Friday, August 26, 2022 11:57:30 PM EDT
  3. #3
    Steven African Astronaut
  4. #4
    Ghost Black Hole
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