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hey guys read this
2022-07-23 at 5:48 PM UTCand read the comments below. there is not just nothing illegal about what i do in poland as i live in poland but there apparently is nothing abnormal about it either: -
2022-07-23 at 5:58 PM UTCno
2022-07-23 at 6 PM UTC
2022-07-23 at 6:37 PM UTChave you retard even read the link? before spouting out of your ass with shit thwt had nothing to to donwith me?
2022-07-23 at 6:38 PM UTCyoure literally brain dead and putting bags to pump salt inside you qnd should have bigger things to worry about than morality when someone like me is not operwting under the law unlike you in the place im at.
2022-07-23 at 6:43 PM UTCno