that "should I buy more meth" thread is choice btw also yeah lanny just doesn't give a fuck as long as fralala queefs on his face and drowns him in liquor he could care less if the servers are on fire and we are sending smoke signals to one another
1000000% percent save this post screenshot it, right at the end of the life of this website there will be discussion about saving all the posts here. It will require probably some technical work. and then lanny will pull an idio/zok/jeff hunter and just pull the plug and let the google scraper do the rest and create nut cases like totse2k1 and industry plant youtube bits (dont even get my started on babygoth)
but yeah I was on the totse reddit looking for those dart meme pics and there are posts RIGHT NOW of people reliving the glory days. Bradley B is a dumb faggot gorilla faggot nigger but his ire and stupidity missed the real problem of stagnation from lanny the tranny and his gay captcha and waht not
just blame it all on me and drugs though and infinityshock or whatever there is nobody left it seems that cares about saving whats left of the smoldering wreck. and the people that do care are faggot retards the bottom of the barrel like helladamgay and bradley b two old heads that just fell off HARD because the world they knew is long gone\