So one of my people has this cute unicorn neck pillow...
Today I noticed it was needed to go in the washer ..
So I gave it to the laundry lady and later she came back with it saying she couldn't put it in the washer because it might mess up and she didn't wanna be responsible...
So bet...I washed it on my hand and hung it up to'll be dry by tomorrow...
My lady was extremely appreciative...❤️
So ...that's just what it's about the lil things ..lil things are big things when it's done with love ...nam saying
I scrubbed the chit out of that pillow...chit look brand new ❤️
Originally posted by CandyRein
Im such a Frikn sweetie pie it's ridiculous…
So one of my people has this cute unicorn neck pillow…
Today I noticed it was needed to go in the washer ..
So I gave it to the laundry lady and later she came back with it saying she couldn't put it in the washer because it might mess up and she didn't wanna be responsible…
So bet…I washed it on my hand and hung it up to dry…it'll be dry by tomorrow…
My lady was extremely appreciative…❤️
So …that's just what it is…it's about the lil things ..lil things are big things when it's done with love …nam saying
I scrubbed the chit out of that pillow…chit look brand new ❤️