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Little SPORTy has unjustly banned smellDUng
2022-07-20 at 7:38 PM UTC
Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Dragging people's names through the mud is frowned upon.
Originally posted by Ghost And you believe in media hoaxes like J/6 was a coup and are Pro candy rain and anti Kafka
Pointing out that someone thanks all a persons posts and treats another like the manifestation of evil and bad incarnate is not "dragging a name through the mud" except for DrugSmuggler who I wouldn't limit to just dragging a name through the mud but also include their entire body after breaking their legs with a hammer and securing them with a rusty chain
I hope everyone frowns at that and then drugsmuggler has a heart attack and dies. This has nothing to do with niggerbutt AT ALL but she made it about her somehow.
Honestly i'm impressed more than anything. *tips hat and loads another meth pipe* ladies, gents. -
2022-07-20 at 7:39 PM UTC🥱
2022-07-20 at 7:40 PM UTCpost another gif you low IQ retard or i'll say her name 3 times and break the seal
2022-07-20 at 7:42 PM UTC
2022-07-20 at 7:45 PM UTCWhatever you say, tara
2022-07-20 at 7:45 PM UTCKisses 😘
2022-07-20 at 7:47 PM UTCPLUG TALK lmao!!! remember that song
2022-07-20 at 7:53 PM UTCYou didn't reveal my true colours, I just held back from being a bitch because it's a last resort. It's a kindness.
2022-07-20 at 7:53 PM UTC
Originally posted by Incessant Yes. When I got banned for 20 minutes and then it was reversed right after I messaged you. But I'm just a crazy drunk so no one will believe me right…
Oh this again lol.
Well bc it is crazy. Just like saying I banned Well Hung bc he insulted me when there were multiple people calling me all sorts of things yesterday, yet they are posting today.
Maybe you did get banned, like Jig, who got all his posts erased. Lanny gets drunk, hits a wrong button, and next thing I know someone is on the forum forming these wild conspiracy theories.
Actually, you know what, scratch that. You guys have figured us out. Lanny and I have this giant dart board and when one of y’all piss us off we just start throwing darts at your names and that’s how we decide who to fuck with that day. There you have it. -
2022-07-20 at 8:01 PM UTC
Originally posted by frala Oh this again lol.
Well bc it is crazy. Just like saying I banned Well Hung bc he insulted me when there were multiple people calling me all sorts of things yesterday, yet they are posting today.
Maybe you did get banned, like Jig, who got all his posts erased. Lanny gets drunk, hits a wrong button, and next thing I know someone is on the forum forming these wild conspiracy theories.
Actually, you know what, scratch that. You guys have figured us out. Lanny and I have this giant dart board and when one of y’all piss us off we just start throwing darts at your names and that’s how we decide who to fuck with that day. There you have it.
I guess I was the bullseye that day! -
2022-07-20 at 8:07 PM UTC
Originally posted by frala If I told you a Sicilian guy raped me once will you sleep peacefully tonight and can we get like one day of you not shitting your trauma all over this forum?
I was in rehab with a flight attendant who seemingly got raped at every stopover flight. EI think she was a stewardess on "euro asking for it" -
2022-07-20 at 8:11 PM UTC
2022-07-20 at 8:13 PM UTC
2022-07-20 at 8:39 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2022-07-20 at 9:35 PM UTC
Originally posted by frala That sounds more like a fetish/role playing
I remember one was in Holland and another was in some Nordic country. I saw a porno movie when I was young called "intensity in 10 cities" about some slutty backpackers greenscreening through Europe and each other's orifices. She should be a consultant on the sequel -
2022-07-20 at 9:36 PM UTCI just looked it up and it's also a Ted Nugent live album which is SOMEHOW RAPIER
2022-07-20 at 9:55 PM UTC
Originally posted by frala Actually, you know what, scratch that. You guys have figured us out. Lanny and I have this giant dart board and when one of y’all piss us off we just start throwing darts at your names and that’s how we decide who to fuck with that day. There you have it.
Can't you guys just draw lots or pull short straws or roll dice? Seems a lot easier. -
2022-07-20 at 10:47 PM UTC
Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Can't you guys just draw lots or pull short straws or roll dice? Seems a lot easier.
How is that easier than throwing a dart at a GIANT dartboard? Don't you remember the carnival game where you just had to pop one of the dozens of balloons on the GIANT wall. Easiest game in the house.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2022-07-20 at 11:03 PM UTC
Originally posted by Rape Monster Fact of the matter is you have a member here who is a proudly admitted pedophile, who is well versed in cyber security and shady online behavior, who tried to orchestrate and involve me in a plot to cause real life harm to one of the few female members here. And he wasn't joking, and admitted to it.
I may roast and rib Kafka and give her a hard time but I still don't think it should be okay for someone like Sophie to attempt something like that against her and have it just be seen as a joke, with no recourse against him. She may not give a shit, but it's still wrong, and shitty management on your part.
I’m glad it’s shown people’s true colours here. I actually wanted a tattoo that said “Sweetest tongue has sharpest tooth”.