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What are you thinking about....

  1. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    how much of a clown Scronaldo is
  2. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    How much of a clown Rape Monster is
  3. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    how much of a clown CandyRein is...
  4. Originally posted by WellHung how much of a clown Scronaldo is

    Funny as in weird or funny as in haha?
  5. Ghost Black Hole
    Wellhung just thinks about other people all day instead of inventing imaginary rape demons like a normal
  6. Originally posted by WellHung How much of a clown Rape Monster is

    I'll rape you faggot
  7. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by Who are you, John Joke (inventor of jokes)? I'll rape you faggot

    How is posting to yourself constantly that entertaining? Don't you get bored? You have the mind of a child. Psychologically, (and some wud guess physically) you have never grown up and matured, Tara.
  8. DrugSmuggler African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung How is posting to yourself constantly that entertaining? Don't you get bored?

    Aren’t these questions you should really be asking yourself FatChew?
  9. Originally posted by WellHung How is posting to yourself constantly that entertaining? Don't you get bored? You have the mind of a child. Psychologically, (and some wud guess physically) you have never grown up and matured, Tara.

    Shut up faggot.
  10. Ghost Black Hole
    Lol he's switched to the "call everyone a candy alt" part

    I love this part
  11. What is this?? A popularity contest??
  12. He's a bitch and CandyRein has mentally dominated him so hard that he sees her shadows everywhere and wakes up when he hears a thump in the night thinking Candyrein is there to beat the shit out of him, fuck his ass with a spiked bat and leave his intestines hanging out his asshole.
  13. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ What is this?? A popularity contest??

    It's not about being popular.. it's about being remotely interesting and entertaining. To which none of you are. Myself, Jiggaboo Johnson, and occasionally MMQ/Aldra. That's the extent of the entertainment/interestingness around here. I mean, it's totally pathetic...this place has some bright minds, as well.
  14. Originally posted by WellHung It's not about being popular.. it's about being remotely interesting and entertaining. To which none of you are. Myself, Jiggaboo Johnson, and occasionally MMQ/Aldra. That's the extent of the entertainment/interestingness around here. I mean, it's totally pathetic…this place has some bright minds, as well.

    You're looking for some kind of meat on the sandwich.
  15. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by WellHung It's not about being popular.. it's about being remotely interesting and entertaining. To which none of you are. Myself, Jiggaboo Johnson, and occasionally MMQ/Aldra. That's the extent of the entertainment/interestingness around here. I mean, it's totally pathetic…this place has some bright minds, as well.

    There is nothing entertaining or interesting about anything you type.
  16. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker There is nothing entertaining or interesting about anything you type.

    But i'm the most legendary storyteller these forums have ever experienced. My legacy precedes me.
  17. Ghost Black Hole
    The story of the retard that was retarded

    It was legendary in how retarded he was
  18. I fought zok and Lanny for years about the requirement for topical-discussion-only (outside of Spurious/Half Baked), but was rebuffed at every turn. They're socialists. Tree huggers. Nazis. Just look what they did to our old friend infinityshock's main account. It's a travesty. So UN-Totsean as to be considered BBS treason.
  19. Kafka sweaty
    When I get home I’m going to the shop for food, I have monsters waiting in the fridge, change bed covers, exfoliate my face bcus I hate tan, bath/shower, find leggings, open window, maybe use a vibrator or wand, say nini to Mik, clutch teddybear and think of what book to read next/plotting trip to London.
  20. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Kafka When I get home I’m going to the shop for food, I have monsters waiting in the fridge, change bed covers, exfoliate my face bcus I hate tan, bath/shower, find leggings, open window, maybe use a vibrator or wand, say nini to Mik, clutch teddybear and think of what book to read next/plotting trip to London.

    Do you drink full sugar monsters? And leave Mik alone, that man deserves some peace.
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