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What makes guys in 30s for 16 yr olds good/exciting

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    is that it feels like two generitons ahed as 20s is relly what many if not most go for so 30s is like an extra bragging right for them tht they fucked a real man and something they can do for fun to get back at their prents or rebel. Like 30s is more fun I think or interesting to some of the ones that live in boomdox with nothing to do or who dont hve many friends or simply want to feel older. This one chick for instance on this chat app in poland was super into me i tlaked on the phone with her facebook that app and it wasnt even bout sex but how she liked jellys eating those jells and wanted a hotdog and she didnt even mention or be bothered after i told her my age by the age basically like she knew shes gonna meet me if i drove a car and had a license and probably get fucked in the ass in the rear seat with her legs hanging out from the side after shes fully nude and me in nature gettinmg back to my touth or feeling yung again being so naugthy in the moment ya know? ya dig?
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