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Fona 7-5-2022

  1. #1
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Good morning gonts.
    I'm not planning on working extra this week as I won't make OT anyways.
    Last 4 day week we had I worked extra anyways but I'm too close to getting a nice raise in pay to care to kill myself for straight time.
    It has been raining here all morning so I went to the basement thinking today would be a good day to pinpoint where the water leaks into the basement but when I came down here everything was bone dry.
    Last night I ordered everything I needed to fix the bathroom faucet on Amazon because I'm sick and tired of wasting gas and making multiple trips to the hardware store.
    Hopefully the parts will show up tomorrow well before I leave for work and I'll be able to get that crossed off my to do list.
    This morning I'm going to pay some bills and just dilly dally around the house taking it easy.
    Hope everyone is having a great day.
  2. #2
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Activated my new credit card.
    Cleaned up cat puke and swept the basement.
    Gathered up the trash only to realize it probably will go a day late this week.
    Emptied the dishwasher out.
    Got ready for work.
    Tried paying some bills but they haven't been posted yet.
    I have 45 minutes until I leave for work and I'm drinking a 2nd cup of coffee before I do any more.
    Mostly my morning has been easy and uneventful.
    Work today might suck and there's a possibility I will be late getting home but I hope not.
  3. #3
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I put in my application for full time employment at work.
    I gave them exactly the same information I gave the temp agency I am currently working through.
    Under employment history I only went back my last 2 jobs.
    If they demand more than that I'll have to come up with more but anything before that is really blurry and the dates of employment are more of guesses than anything and I honestly don't even remember the names of some of the factories I was at.
    No one goes home on a weekend and thinks about work.
    And no one quits their job and keeps thinking about it.
    So time took a lot of that information away from me.
    Also, I didn't do a whole lot for a couple years other than under the table construction jobs which I have no evidence or tax records for.
    Hope they don't make this shit hard.
    When I was looking for work earlier this year one place demanded I give them 10 years of employment history after half assing my original application and so I sat there and made a bunch of guesses.
    After a day they called me to say "everything checks out" and I was stunned.
    Several businesses I worked for are no longer even in business so what the hell did they even check?
  4. #4
    Probably nothing they have air conditioned offices and they decorate there cubicles and go eat at quality restaurants on lunch and get there dry cleaning done
  5. #5
    Bradley Florida Man
    i wish i could convince someone to do things for "us" like remodel my house so that I can leave them when they're finished, broke, exhausted, and done helping me, then have the fixed up house to live in without the person who feels like they added to something that wasn't mine + free baby sitter in the mean time.
  6. #6
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Bradley i wish i could convince someone to do things for "us" like remodel my house so that I can leave them when they're finished, broke, exhausted, and done helping me, then have the fixed up house to live in without the person who feels like they added to something that wasn't mine + free baby sitter in the mean time.

    do u get poop on ur weener when u pull it out from a mans asshole
  7. #7
    Bradley Florida Man
    Not usually.
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