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When you can't tell an old friend your sorry

  1. #1
    In all that mayhem and destruction I thought I was the center of the universe. Everything bad happens to me while the rest of the world stays the same and gets better, richer and happier. I am the lightning rod of Pain and anger. I prayed for bad shit to happen to everyone I burned bridges with. I smashed windows of everyone that pissed me off.

    The one person who was my friend and never judged me, the only people that ever talked to me or hung out with me. I pissed them off too with my meth smoking "antics".

    Now that person knows what pain and heartbreak feels like. When your in love for a long time and its over you feel like you wasted 7 years of your life. All those years and memories are better off forgotten and erased.
    It sucks when you have a true bond with someone because you don't even really have to talk to them or see them to understand they're in pain.

    I should be happy that my enemy is falling and I should strike while they're down but I just feel bad for her. Of all the people I fucked over the years and burned bridges this one person doesn't deserve what they are going through now.

    I knew bad things happened to horrible people but when terrible things happen to a good honest person you used to call a friend it hurts a bit. I can feel her pain.

    I can't even say sorry or interact in any way. I can only watch
  2. #2
    Shit happens, I only have like 1 real friend, 2 at a push, but the real friend I have the feeling is avoiding me on purpose and doesn't like me, so eh, what can you do. Drink alcohol and codeine and just think fuck everyone. I really don't like 99% of people, even the ones I used to consider friends. Everyone just seems so fake to me these days, like they're pretending to be who they think they should be, rather than who they truly are
  3. #3
    Most people I lose touch with I just think they can all go to hell. Girls are insidious though, years of flirting does something to a person. I always wanted her to get dumped or cheated on by her husband but now that it seems to have actually happened I am too far removed to do anything about it.

    On second thought it is kinda lulzy though.
  4. #4
    I wish cancer on my ex cos she lied to me about having it, I truly hope karma gets her and she dies a long, painful drawn out death. One day I'm guna go to her mom's grave and salt it so nothing grows on it again
  5. #5
    I wish cancer on my ex cos she lied to me about having it, I truly hope karma gets her and she dies a long, painful drawn out death. One day I'm guna go to her mom's grave and salt it so nothing grows on it again

    Ex girlfriends can all rot in a shallow grave.. Ex female friends you never smashed for various reasons are a whole other ball game.
  6. #6
    I get ya, that friend I referenced before saying she's my only real friend these days is a chick, and I'm pretty sure she's ignoring/avoiding me cos of her bf, who she always bitches about. But what can I do, I've been friends with her for best part of a decade, it's a shame if that is the reason. She'll come round. The one I said was a friend at a push is also female, good friends with her and I talk to her quite a lot online but she just had another kid last night so I never see her and talk to her not as much anymore, but she's cool and I'll always have her back. She did ask if I would look after her current kid if her neighbours weren't about and she needed me too when she went into labour, so I guess she trusts me enough to do that. Man people fucking suck. I'm finally high tho for the first time in days so all is good in the world.
  7. #7
    ACAB Houston
    I'll smash her face in with a hammer for you, mate. Make sure her suffering ends.

    I know this thread. I have not posted it many times.

    Let's just hope we die soon.
  8. #8
    bling bling Dark Matter
  9. #9
    Cuck Norris Yung Blood
    ^do you even know how to embed faggot?

  10. #10
    Ohhhhhshiiitttt said old friend cries when she hears my name.

    SAID old friend is unhappy and all alone in a soul crushing small town while her ex lover flaunts a new young skinny woman.


    I also used to talk about meth and LSD and buy large amounts of weed from said OFF and only lost contact when I started doing hard drugs.

    Its like the universe is setting up the pins for me and I just gotta knock a homerun into the net and score a field goal.. This is amazing.
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