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I haven't had sex over 3 weeks, I'm now addicted...

  1. #1
    Bradley Black Hole
    What up?

    So I haven't been posting as much and by that I mean I figured out how to download Zelda 1 with custom made quests by a community.

    So that's kept me occupied yesterday, the day before that was the Summer Solstice. I have like 4 friends here. One of them vaulted the fence and disappeared with a backpack on. He didn't give us any contact information and did the dash violating his ten years of parole.

    I've been dressing really nice and I was gonna not drink coffee today, but then my boy just handed me a half of mug of espresso to get me started (normally I drink about 2 mugs of espresso by the time we go to breakfast). He thought I was out I imagine. Not sure since we speak 2 different language and "I'm not having any today" is a confusing term on whether i plan to have any.

    Found out I have high blood pressure 138/85.

    Everyone I play dominos and cards with is sick as fuck with Covid19, but not ya boy!~!!~ I refuse to wear a mask and quote Jonathon Faucci as saying that if I'm 6 feet away from everyone I don't have to wear one, so I got a PRC test with everyone and am getting every other day instant tests. All have come back negativo and because everyone on my floor is sick as fuck but not me cuz i'm the best.

    Bought a gal pal for Tacklebacklepacklepal and she came yesterday, along with 2,000 googley eyes, a pair of nice (well made, but not expensive) polarized green mirror amber lens sunglasses because of how bright Florida is in expectation of fishing.

    I am gonna start buying fishing stuff next month when I got a month till I release.

    I'm thinking a good money making scheme will be selling water bottles on the beach out of a cooler, or maybe I just go fishing.

    Trying to fuck pretty much all these haitian girls, but I like looking at the black ones, might go for that. I really like how the native spanish speakers (most aren't mexican) with accents as thick as their asses, i like how their inflections in voice sound.

    My drawing of people who aren't Odin is also improving rapidly, I showed the therapist running group yesterday the photo I had drawn of her. I liked that she looked at it for awhile and didn't just dismiss it, but she's paid to be nice to us unlike the girl I'm about to go talk to who walks to work by 7 that drinks espresso with me.

    I don't tell her its sugary espresso, so she thinks I'm just constantly drinking this strong ass drank as regular coffee.

    I'm really excited for nothing. Probably gonna buy another USB xbox controller to play more games with in the day room and look at all the jelly mufuckas i won't tell how I did it.

    Gained about 8lb since I quit drinking, so I'm only eating 1/2 of the food their offering me instead of double.

    Really want to get some non fiction books to teach myself how to do salt water fishing, apparently i need a lot of new shit and it's all really expensive and well made from PENN so that'll probably be 300-400 for 2 rods but I'm going to end up getting 3 for the same price.

    I talked to my mom for about 30 seconds before she started shitting on me for my mental health (I'm nuts) and I told her I gotta go and hung up, that was the first time I talked to her since I left WI.

    If I don't post for awhile, it's probably because I'm happy and I'll post periodic updates, regular shit posting will resume when I go back to using drugs or my life falls apart.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
  3. #3
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Glad ur doing ok..but Bradley I think you would enjoy a regular job at like Wal mart or some random shit. If u just got it together a 'little bit [kinda like now] you could literally be a manager/shift leader type at a fast food restaurant or something. Also you are smart enough to get at least ur associates man..get ur fasfa money, which u can ask for way more and live off of, and start taking a few classes man, you would love college man just take easy classes and make sure u do the work no matter how bad you think you'll do or how hard it is and I pretty much guarantee you'll pass.

    I'm finally getting my associates this semester and xfering to a bigger school. I should 110% be dead and u know this too..

    Just saying man...glad to see ur doing good and stuff but its almost time for your next step Bradley. Remember you are the company you keep. So get a job, save money, and get a place of your own brother. Use some of the fasfa money if u want..usually you'll get a check 6 weeks into the semester for a couple grand or part of your student loan or whatever for the year and that could be your down payment.

    Anyway just saying, I love yah bro and wish ya the best and know your smart enough to literally do anything you want in life you just have to manifest it in your mind, and take baby steps toward it day by day then next thing you know, bam it happens.
  4. #4
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by RIPtotse Glad ur doing ok..but Bradley I think you would enjoy a regular job at like Wal mart or some random shit. If u just got it together a 'little bit [kinda like now] you could literally be a manager/shift leader type at a fast food restaurant or something. Also you are smart enough to get at least ur associates man..get ur fasfa money, which u can ask for way more and live off of, and start taking a few classes man, you would love college man just take easy classes and make sure u do the work no matter how bad you think you'll do or how hard it is and I pretty much guarantee you'll pass.

    I'm finally getting my associates this semester and xfering to a bigger school. I should 110% be dead and u know this too..

    Just saying man…glad to see ur doing good and stuff but its almost time for your next step Bradley. Remember you are the company you keep. So get a job, save money, and get a place of your own brother. Use some of the fasfa money if u want..usually you'll get a check 6 weeks into the semester for a couple grand or part of your student loan or whatever for the year and that could be your down payment.

    Anyway just saying, I love yah bro and wish ya the best and know your smart enough to literally do anything you want in life you just have to manifest it in your mind, and take baby steps toward it day by day then next thing you know, bam it happens.

    you make it sound so simple and obtainable for people with basically nothing to their name to be able to get their own houses lol
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Originally posted by Rape Monster you make it sound so simple and obtainable for people with basically nothing to their name to be able to get their own houses lol

    Bro it's not that hard. Find a house for under 15k [well the market is fucked now I give him that] and save and buy it. Am I literally the only one here who has actually saved over 15k before? I really hope not...
  6. #6
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    i hate when someone gets their shit together then become some sort of wannabe born again christian trying to spread the good news of how much better and smarter they are than everyone else and how they suddenly can tell u how to solve all ur struggles
  7. #7
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    just saying ur in the wrong forum to be telling people that crap and u know it, go post on Reddit and u will get tons of upvotes for stuff like that
  8. #8
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
  9. #9
    Originally posted by Rape Monster i hate when someone gets their shit together then become some sort of wannabe born again christian trying to spread the good news of how much better and smarter they are than everyone else and how they suddenly can tell u how to solve all ur struggles

    It's fun to watch when they topple back down the ladder to their former scummy self though...unable to maintain a life they were never meant to live.
  10. #10
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Rofl I'm not a born again Christian and have been invoking Clauneck for some time, with nice results I must say.

    Sure was nice to get 400 bucks randomly in the mail for a class action suit I signed up for years ago, among other things.

    Actually ur right rape monster, what I ment to say was, Bradley u suck and ur worthless and are gonna be back drinking steel reserves within the week.

    There better is that more NIS appropriate?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. #11
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by RIPtotse Rofl I'm not a born again Christian and have been invoking Clauneck for some time, with nice results I must say.

    Sure was nice to get 400 bucks randomly in the mail for a class action suit I signed up for years ago, among other things.

    Actually ur right rape monster, what I ment to say was, Bradley u suck and ur worthless and are gonna be back drinking steel reserves within the week.

    There better is that more NIS appropriate?

    i don't think brad sucks and is worthless but i also don't think he can stay sober or hold down a normie job. he's gotta find something more in his wheelhouse like selling bottles of water and fish tacos on the beach
  12. #12
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    That episode of trailer park boys where phil Collins is trying to sell trout on a stick to random people in the grocery store parking lot, that could be Brad on the beach
  13. #13
    Weak....Hiki has gone 34 years without sex.
  14. #14
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Weak….Hiki has gone 34 years without sex.

    U must not be counting his rape victims
  15. #15
    cigreting Dark Matter
    how manie diks did u tak in prisn
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