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Do you feel that skydiving is worth the risk?

  1. #21
    Knowing my luck it'd happen to be when whoever is in charge of packing the chute is having an off day. Not worth it.
  2. #22
    Originally posted by mmQ I understand and agree. People also don't intentionally get bit by dogs usually.

    It's kinda like if you drive down a highway 100,000+ miles in your life which a lot of people do, you're more likely to die than if you just go skydiving once or twice. Or even a thousand times.

    You're just not gonna die from skydiving is what I'm saying.

    ..of course if a skydiver fell on you after his parachute failed that's also a skydiving accident you probably couldn't really avoid.
  3. #23
    Xlite African Astronaut
    Is anything worth the risk?

    Is smoking worth it?
    Is drinking worth it?
    Is sex without condoms worth it?
    Is riding a motorcycle worth it?

    Is posting here worth it?
  4. #24
    Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Xlite Is posting here worth it?

    Definitely not, and yet isn't it fascinating we all do it anyway.
  5. #25
    Incessant African Astronaut
    Also yes, I'd sky dive with a go pro.
  6. #26
    Originally posted by Xlite Is anything worth the risk?

    Is smoking worth it?
    Is drinking worth it?
    Is sex without condoms worth it?
    Is riding a motorcycle worth it?

    Is posting here worth it?

    Again, risk is measured by necessity as well as the chance of harm. Simply saying "You're more likely to die driving to work than skydiving" doesn't really address the issue.

    You drive to work because you have to to live the life that the income from your job provides, food/shelter/clothing etc etc. Although technically the risk is greater the need is also much greater than jumping out of a plane for no good reason other than "uhh it's cool".

    So from a risk management point of view driving a car to work make much more sense than jumping out of a plane as the risk vs reward is in favor of driving the car.
  7. #27
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Is the vaccine worth the mask
  8. #28
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Is the vaccine worth the mask

    It doesn't have to be a choice.
  9. #29
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Yes it does, now bend over
  10. #30
    Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Again, risk is measured by necessity as well as the chance of harm. Simply saying "You're more likely to die driving to work than skydiving" doesn't really address the issue.

    You drive to work because you have to to live the life that the income from your job provides, food/shelter/clothing etc etc. Although technically the risk is greater the need is also much greater than jumping out of a plane for no good reason other than "uhh it's cool".

    So from a risk management point of view driving a car to work make much more sense than jumping out of a plane as the risk vs reward is in favor of driving the car.

    You need water or you die. The water is located in a highly advanced and armed military facility. They don't wanna share, and they KoS.

    Go now and get shot, or get real thirsty and die in a few days.

    Is it worth it?
  11. #31
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson ..of course if a skydiver fell on you after his parachute failed that's also a skydiving accident you probably couldn't really avoid.

    It's funny that that actually happens now and then with suicide jumpers. Not funny if it was someone I personally knew and loved but funny when it happens to someone else particularly someone on the other side of the world.
  12. #32
    WellHung Black Hole
    other unwise activities include BASE Jumping and bungee jumping.
  13. #33
    WellHung Black Hole
    Bear Grylls broke his back while skydiving. If my source is accurate, he was hospitalized for approx 18 months post-accident.
  14. #34
    They say if you jump after forgetting your parachute, best thing is to scan the horizon and point your body to soft terrain, like a swamp or tall grass.
  15. #35
    Originally posted by Xlite You need water or you die. The water is located in a highly advanced and armed military facility. They don't wanna share, and they KoS.

    Go now and get shot, or get real thirsty and die in a few days.

    Is it worth it?

    Well yes, because you were going to die anyway...duh.

    Again...risk vs reward.

    There is no real risk vs reward with skydiving other that the as mentioned "uhhh dat was cool"..therefore it's riskier than breaking into a military facility for something you need to live.
  16. #36
    Originally posted by WellHung other unwise activities include BASE Jumping and bungee jumping.

    Bungee jumping moreso...I've heard many more bungee jumping disasters more than parachute ones...probably because the guys you are trusting with the bungee cord safety all seem like stoners. "Yeah you'll be fine brahhh...I checked it myself"
  17. #37
    The worst is when you land safely and gently, but it's an open lion enclosure.
  18. #38
    DrugSmuggler African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung other unwise activities include BASE Jumping and bungee jumping.

    I’m thinking the overweight population may want to skip bungee jumping, that elasticized cord is apt to leave a fattie splattered as it stretches to capacity and loses the ability to snap back

  19. #39
    I deem it 100% worth the risk for you.
  20. #40
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The worst is when you land safely and gently, but it's an open lion enclosure.

    I'd be more alarmed if it were chimpanzees.
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