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hey what do you guys think she would have said?

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    remember that wannabe trendy dressing or hipster like bitch who supposedly had roots in ukraine but wasnt really ukrainian but like me i think grew up in the west since she spoke perfect english i met at that bar in poland in warsaw dom vodki? how she gave me a weird face and said what are you doing looking up 16 yr olds when i started complaining how polish bitches are and act here especially the young generation and mentined how they even act all prissy on that dating site? that was the only thing the hypoceyte piece of shit replied like judging me when im doing nothing wrong or illegal and the bitch was either a lesbian or bi and all her instagram friends the ones she showed pics of hanging out with seemed like gays? what do you guys fink she would have said when she said thats sick if I said why are you so fucking judgemental you lgtb supporting les? what would her rpely be or if i kept it professional didnt get nervous or change my tone and simply said:

    "what makes you the morality police? why are you so judgemental who i look up or talk to when theyre over the consent age here? what do you have to hidue yourself? Therte is nothing sick about it look at the whole history of human race what is considered more sick especially in eastern europe or here in poland is your lgtb movement actually. thank you very much."
  2. #2
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    i also liked how her reply to me when I said its legal (stupid come back i know she had like stupid remarks and answers for everything so i couldnt think of what to say but i should have said the statement above to shut her up) was oh for me even 20 yr olds are too young or immature. she didnt realize she was comparing herself a female to a male and what wrks for females or is acceptable in a rightwing christian society like poland doesnt work the other way. this isnt an equal or feminist society thats the answer i should have said to that statement she made.
  3. #3
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    speaking of which i am going to try finding her profile it should be on my blocked list and write this stuff to her to see what she says. I am so much better at arguing in writing than in person where i get nervous.
  4. #4
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    or i wonder what she would have (she is not hot btw slightly chubby even wearing some posh fucking colorful lgtb type shit) got all gay sounding on her and said "quit being so judgemental girl. jeez. you got something up ur arse. what makes you think wanting to bang a teen here and there and not exclusively is sick in any way? its normal for men"
  5. #5
    Originally posted by Wariat remember that wannabe trendy dressing or hipster like bitch

  6. #6
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    she was the one red kept telling me i fucked up somehow discussing that stuff with when all i did was try to complain abut the polish youth.
  7. #7
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
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