POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret
[my presentably immunised ammonification]
looking for high protean quail food, I need 28% to get em fattened up for dinner, really missing living in the middle of the country cuz aint no feed stores up here that make there own feed, just supply places to buy feed cotton seed meal is great feed but its an oddity up here so I'm about to buy sunflower seeds and see if they grow if they sprout I'll plant 1000's of them and feed sunflower seeds to the quail, I need 6000 lbs of feed to get through 12 months thats for 75 adults and 5500 meat quail, the meat quail only live for 9 weeks and cost about a buck each to raise. but if I buy into this game and y'all are hungry I'll be eatin fresh quail while y'all r fighting over a can of beans or kail
Originally posted by POLECAT
looking for high protean quail food, I need 28% to get em fattened up for dinner, really missing living in the middle of the country cuz aint no feed stores up here that make there own feed, just supply places to buy feed cotton seed meal is great feed but its an oddity up here so I'm about to buy sunflower seeds and see if they grow if they sprout I'll plant 1000's of them and feed sunflower seeds to the quail, I need 6000 lbs of feed to get through 12 months thats for 75 adults and 5500 meat quail, the meat quail only live for 9 weeks and cost about a buck each to raise. but if I buy into this game and y'all are hungry I'll be eatin fresh quail while y'all r fighting over a can of beans or kail