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why are polish people so ignorant yet so argumentive?

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    take a look at them trying to discern laws or make comments on laws in the uk and poland getting both wrong and the comment section even ripping this tard for it for getting the uk law wrong:

    they are so dumb they dont even understand the laws in their own country. it would be like someone in usa thinking cocaine is legal because weed is legal in some state. nobody, not even ignorant americans are as dumb as them with regards at least to laws. i run into this all the time on snapchat. these girls think theyre illegal for sex when they are. i know it from actual lawyer websites that 15 is the age of consent not 18 like in america yet they just like this quora perpen wbove avt so ignorwnt and vhilfish and would try to wrgue with something they can find with a simple google search. Its only 18 for **** like the first vomment in the quora thread specified for the uk (same in poland) or nudes online or if the dude is a teacher or something. (that is btw illegal in america in all ages). polaks are tards especislly teenage polak girls are literal tards way less mature than my generation was or i was their age. who btw were less mature and more childish than kinskis generwtion or the 70s when people even looked way older as teens. its like the world is getting stupider and regressing but polaks have thst stereotype so they must have aleays been dumb?
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