Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson
Not much out of the city…My 6 acres up past Conroe is about $600 a year looking at last years tax records…that's with a house on it (2 houses now)…most of it is still wooded though.
Eastern Texas is more woodsie? Humid AF when we passed through.
I’m wondering if the reason Botox is addictive is because it means I don’t have to look in the mirror, I already know what I look like because my face is frozen.
I'm thinking about Kr0z and Kro0z Dog kioske we tried to encourage him to buy.
But then I thought about him hungover and forgetting to clean and sterilize the utinsal and him saying he was sorry you're about to have a food poisoning moment while his classic trademark laugh and EEEE EEEE followed by him doing a remedy of this commercial
Not sure why I’m thinking of Jiang all of a sudden, I last heard from her in January, she gave me advice. Recently found a message from her about her diet, which could have saved me from malnutrition if I’d taken it seriously. Idk it was that dream…
Originally posted by Kafka
Not sure why I’m thinking of Jiang all of a sudden, I last heard from her in January, she gave me advice. Recently found a message from her about her diet, which could have saved me from malnutrition if I’d taken it seriously. Idk it was that dream…