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me and star trek hung out

  1. #61
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    hey star trek, i started to think about those two ukrainian guys we talked to and i think i know why that guy was mad or tried to start shit at first. imagine someone going up to you asking are you polish or ukrianian (like i did to them) and telling you hey my buddy here is going to kiev to orrow after they say theyre ukrianian. in their minds they probably thiught no one would be thst crazy to actually go to kiev especially if theya re a foreigner and non journalist now so they probably thiught we were making fun of them.
  2. #62
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    not sure if you have a vpn you could tap into polish netflix from in kiev but i just ran into a good show in polish and on polish netflix called cracow monsters. the beginning of the show displays a polish club or bar scene in a similar plays to where we kicked it and how untrustworthy people in poland are or hard to meet at first. like the chick in the scene in the beginning goes up to a guy and says something and her first reponse is you drink like a medical student than she breaks the ice. basically it seems you gotta be very witty and have a very good first response to be accepted by new groups of people particularly in such a setting. the show may be good btw for a polish production.
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  3. #63
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    what i forgot to write is his first response to her ssying somethig to him was automatically do I know youin the netflix film or show. Ive noticed in malta this serbian chick did this too to me where they often say "im doing better than you" when you ask them how are you doing like all smug and shiz. it makes you not even want toask or say hi. I had this ukrainian chick on snapchat also do that. tell me shes doing better than me or co cie to (what is it to you) if you ask them a question. the crazy thing about this show and shows the mentality of polish chicks is how rudely she kicks the guy out of bed the next morning where she tells him spierdalaj and throws clothes at him. imagine being treated this way guys. how would you handle it and would it make you jaded or not want to fuk polish chicks after that?

    maybe some of us would actuwlly enjoy being used and later kicked out this way for our dicks or body by women in Poland who knows? what sucks tho is how many of us or males in general dont treat the opposite sex the same way or as bad and i wish i had it in me sometimes as ive had women in poland so demanding the morning asking for coffee or even breakfast and sh-t on top of not taking a hint or leaving right away and even expecting to be walked.
  4. #64
    WellHung Black Hole
    shut the fuck up, nigger. Find a fucking friend.
  5. #65
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by WellHung shut the fuck up, nigger. Find a fucking friend.

    he alredy did c:
  6. #66
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    hey man remember at end when i left down the street off piotrkowska down. I forgot to tell you i wish you came further with me this street has some weird and badass grafitti and vibe. its like as I said detroid but mixed with some udnerground weird grafitti techno vibe and shit.

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  7. #67
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    that pic above is literally where oyu left at the hotel me going down the perpendicular street and two strets down.
  8. #68
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    They blew up the train tracks to Kyiv

    I literally hate Putin right now however why should I give two fucks about helping out their cousins (Russians) in Ukraine

    It's their Civil War

    That would be like Canada asking faggot Russians to come to their aide after the US went in to remove some smarmy French Canook
  9. #69
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
    And when I say French I am of course talking bout HTS. Oui oui
  10. #70
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    you are confused. "helped ukrainians in ukraine vs russians" not "russians in ukraine"
  11. #71
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    star trek likes the hood area im staying at currently in poland the detroit of poland. its not a bad area actually. it has its charms and wits so to say. like a place in twilight zone. free or cheap booze and everything no cops or little polcie intervention every man for himself etc.
  12. #72
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
    So the pedo guy got to hang out with the Irishman before I was thinking of visiting in Ireland.

    And I was thinking of falling off the wagon just to kiss the blarmy stone (nohomo) and maybe get some Irish hookers to sauna wif.

    Did u at least get to throw rocks at Russians near the border?
  13. #73
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    i agree with him he told me there are upsides to it as i started to think about it. while we sipped on our beers.
  14. #74
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Lodger Free So the pedo guy got to hang out with the Irishman before I was thinking of visiting in Ireland.

    And I was thinking of falling off the wagon just to kiss the blarmy stone (nohomo) and maybe get some Irish hookers to sauna wif.

    Did u at least get to throw rocks at Russians near the border?

    we almsot got and should have got some polish hookers as he wants to try the slightly western meat from ukraine or polak meat and i was down but it was a fuking sunday.
  15. #75
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
    Also wanted to visit This

    Dysert O'Dea Monastery Edited for proper spelling. co.CLARE

    They locked up Princess Elizabeth (French?) While cousin Mary had her murked to prevent the take over of England or some shit like this.
  16. #76
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    to be honest i still sort of dont believe it. when i went into the pub at first i expected star trek to not only look different but either not be there or show up or be a fake or some dude he hired to fight me or somehting but i came in and we recognized each other right away and it was cool.
  17. #77
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    star trek is a privateb guy i knew he wouldnt want pics neither do i but next timer we kick it and it will be more crazy as it has to be like on a saturday we should film some action and just cover our faces in editing or something. who knows guys. but youre hella boring within this thread to even make it worth it. like youre all suck ups to jeff hunter and shit,.
  18. #78
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
    Regarding the glorified clan

    Apparently Potato Jew comment on /pol had some truth

    The origin of the O’Dea coat of arms is one of the most ancient in Europe; going back many centuries before the invasion of Ireland by the Celts. The green serpents depicted refer to the legend of Gaodhal Glas and the children of Israel, related in the early genealogy; while the sword shows that the O’Deas were a warlike tribe dedicated to the defence of their territory.
  19. #79
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
    I'll go to State of Israel and remind the Bolshlavik false joos this is in fact "My Families Land" and start slaying commie fucking oligarchy left and right
  20. #80
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    We seriousky hung out

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I would force wariat to do shots of jager and lines of cocaine but not in the bathroom I will pour out a line on your phone and we can use bar straws to snort it just be cool you are just straw sniffing your phone just keep it open on a white screen and angle your head to see the line and 9/10 times nobody will even notice you are sniffing cocaine right out in the open

    I used to do it in mcdonalds all the time right next to families eating their sunday church lunch

    Id be down
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